Chapter 4

358 33 2

Elna P.O.V



"Ugh, five more minutes..."



"Oh for-"


Wednesday morning, the ultimate hell day for me. It's the middle of the week and also the most unpredictable day at the restaurant. You'd think me doing this for a few years I'd be used to the routine by now, yeah definitely not even close.


"Hello?" I answered without checking the caller ID, my voice making it obvious that I just woke up.

"Abbi!" The girl's squeal came from the other side of the call,

I grimaced, "Layla. It's way too early for-"

"Where are you!?" She asked, urgency very clear in her voice,

"I just woke up, why? What happened?" I asked concerned getting out of bed, starting my morning routine as I put the phone on speaker,

"I need you at the new restaurant! It's an absolute disaster, Abbi!"

"What's wrong?" I asked just as I finished getting dressed and threw my hair into a ponytail,

"They messed up the color scheme! I wanted the walls a white to match with the décor but they painted it a charcoal black! All of the walls! The space here looks a lot smaller! And the furniture is going to be delayed until tomorrow, then to top it off the card machine arrangements I made apparently doesn't exist since the person I called never put my request through!"

"Layla, breath. Relax. I'll be there in five, I'm on my way then we can sort it out okay?"

I heard some shuffling and a sigh before I heard a quiet 'yeah' before the call ended.

I was at the new place in less than five minutes and Layla was right, the place does look a lot smaller than it did on the photos. Colour can do a lot to a place.

"There you are! What are we going to do?"

I looked around and an idea popped into mind, "What color is the décor?"

She showed me a picture of the furniture and she was right, all black would just make it look depressing, but all white wasn't going to do the trick either, "I don't think white would pull it off anyway, to be honest, Layla,"

"Well then what do you suggest," She asked me slightly annoyed,

"How about a type of grey? We can keep the wall behind the counter over there black to give it some character and paint the rest a dark grey?"

She looked at me, contemplating if it would look good or not,

"Think about it, the grey would have a better contrast to the furniture than white would and it's not as dark as black,"

"I love it," She said after a while,

"Great, so how about you go to the bank, I'll organize the card machine while buying the paint at the store, you go pick it up. While you're there ask them why the hell they didn't put your request through. When we sort that out I'll call the painters to come and fix the walls and also try to speed up the deliveries so it would be here by tonight so we can do final touches tomorrow,"

She nodded and gave me a hug before speeding out of the building, leaving me alone to call the painters to be here in an hour and sort out the deliveries for later on.


The new paint looks fantastic here. We managed to sort out everything and the deliveries are going to be here in about five minutes so we can stock up and put everything in place.

I saw Layla talking on the phone on the other side of the room and decided to walk over to her to compliment her on how it turned out so far but I stopped in my tracks when I heard that she was talking on the phone with her sister and she didn't sound too pleased,

"What we're doing isn't right!" She snapped,

"I know that! But we can't just keep pretending!"

"I miss him just as much as you do but can't we get her back some other way? Why should we involve other people?"

She let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair before turning and saw me looking at her, she looked shocked but as soon as the look was there she masked it with a smile,

"Yeah sis, I get you. Talk later,"

"Everything okay?" I asked as soon as she put the phone down on the counter,

"Yeah everything is great, just a different view on things," She smiled and walked past me when the delivery truck stopped at the back. She was acting very off towards me, she was never like that,

That was weird, I thought as I went to the front to sign the papers for the furniture before they started unloading them into the shop.

"Thanks for helping me today Abbi, I appreciate it,"

"No worries, I'm happy to help,"

"Great, cause I want you to help me tomorrow as well. I want to go to the shops to get a few last-minute things and then head to the beach."

"The beach?" I raised my eyebrow at her,

"Yeah, one of the stalls there has the most beautiful flowers, and they aren't expensive at all!" She gave me a smile, but as I analyzed her, I saw that the smile didn't really reach her eyes, she looked like she was sad and angry at once, it wasn't how I knew Layla but I dropped it and told her I'll meet her here tomorrow before we head off to go shopping before I headed home again,

When I got into my house I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and that I wasn't going to really enjoy tomorrow, something was going to happen, I can feel it...

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