Chapter 21

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Daniel P.O.V

After Elna gave me the ring back, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that her sister managed to make me believe her instead of my own fiancé; how dumb was I?

Last night I stormed out of the house and went to the nearest bar, I was going to get a way, any way, to help me forget about the past few hours, but when I was at my third drink my phone went off, the caller ID showing that it was Nathan,

"What do you want?" I asked and cringed at the sound of my own voice,

"Where are you?"

"At a bar,"

"Real helpful, dude," I shrugged and realized that he can't see me but I shrugged it off and downed the drink in front of me,

"Why do you want to know where I am?"

"Because Elna and Elizabeth had a heated fight. Elna looked like she was ready to kill,"

"Why?" I asked. I knew Elna was upset, but she loved her sister and she's never looked like she was ready to kill as Nathan put it,

"She was very upset about Elizabeth putting ideas in your head. But it looked like tension has been building up between them for a while. Elizabeth kept tuning Elna about how she wasn't right for you and how she wasn't your type,"



"Then what's my type according to her?"

"She said she's your type since you two were dating in high school while you bullied my sister apparently,"

"We were not dating!" I exclaimed, gaining the attention of a few people around me,

"Jade and Jax said you used her as a makeout buddy?"

"We used each other," I dismissed the thoughts. How dare she say that to Elna?

"What else happened?"

"Elna got a few hits in at Elizabeth, she started crying, she left the house and no one knows where she went, and also..."

"what Nathan?" I was getting worried, that doesn't sound like Elna at all,

"When Elna left, she said that Elizabeth was working with the gang that's threatening us. Lizzy looked petty shaken up when Elna said that like she wasn't supposed to know that,"

"What happened after Elna left?"

"Elizabeth is being questioned right now-"

"Nathan! Get Daniel here now!"

"What's happening?"

"Elizabeth is running! She has a gun!" I heard Rob yelling in the back before gunshots were heard,

"I'll be there in a few," I said and put cash on the counter, hanging up.

By the time I got there the house was a mess with Jade and Jax running back out of breath, guns in hand,

"Rob and Jack were shot," Breathed Jax,

"By Elizabeth?" I confirmed, they just nodded at me, "She had company, the girls you were looking into,"

"They were here and they knew exactly where everything was," I heard Jack's voice from the doorway,

"I should've been here," I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, "I'm so sorry,"

"Daniel, they knew exactly which buttons to push for each of us. Don't worry about it," Jack ushered me in while limping on the way, bringing us into the room with a very wounded Rob. He seemed to read my expression and smiled at me,

"I'm fine boyo, no need to worry," He said waving me off, but he's clearly not fine,

"Rob," My voice was stern and he grimaced, "Okay, okay! It freaking stings," He sighed and lifted his shirt to show me the bullet wound in his side. It was a deep wound and the more I looked and examined it, it looked like it narrowly missed a muscle, Rob is a very lucky man,

"You're very lucky,"

"I don't feel lucky. I got shot by my own niece and her sidekicks," He seethed and looked over at Jack. Did you manage to find out were your only nice daughter went off to?"

"She went to a house registered to someone named Callum-"

"That was the guy Elna talked to on the plane from Spain," Nathan and I looked at each other,

"I don't think we should just pitch up there," I admitted, "Elna left, if she wants to come back she will. We can't force her like we did in Spain," It hurt me to say that. I love her and I want her here with me. I want her safe and I want to see her, but I'm not going to force her as I did in Spain, she needs to come back in her own time,

"Well, what the hell do you suggest we do?"

"We'll call this Callum guy and make sure Elna is safe and okay staying there, then we track Elizabeth and her friends. If need be and we really need Elna, we'll call and ask her to come help, but right now I think she needs space to breathe, this is personal for her more than it is for any of us. I'll get my old gang to come help, Nathan we could also use your help to use your recourses at the tracks to track the car that was at the tracks, Someone had to get a good look at the number plate-"

"There wasn't one though,"

"Then ask them to track the car using surveillance footage or any visual confirmation," He nodded and stood up to go make some calls, "Jack, Rob, this is also personal for you guys, but I'm sure your gang would be more than ready to help?"

"Definitely. They'll be ready to move when we ask,"

"You have weapons right?"

"No, we're a gang without any sort of protection," Rob rolled his eyes at me after his sarcastic remark, "Of course we have dumbass,"

"That's all I wanted to know you ancient asshole,"

"I'll ask my guy back at home to come and upgrade them," I said and started making some calls. By the time everyone was done calling and making arrangements as well as working on the plan, it was already nine AM. We worked through the entire night to make sure that we would be able to get Elizabeth and to fight back if needed,

when I finally went to call Callum, I stopped and thought it would be best to give the phone to Jack. He looked at me questioningly but took the phone and dialed the number that was given to us,

"Hi. It's Jack speaking, Elna's father. Yeah, we just wanted to make sure she was okay?" Jack was a very patient man, but I know it's driving him absolutely insane not being able to get Elizabeth and get answers out of her. This time it's different for him, last time he 'lost' his daughter he thought she was dead, he was devastated, but now when he 'lost' Elizabeth, it was like he was angry. He was betrayed and upset, you could see it and any blind person would be able to tell that he wants this shit to end. He's had enough family drama,

"What do you mean she left a few hours ago?" Jack looked up at me, panic was written all over his face. I moved closer to him to listen to the call,

"When she came to my house we talked and we started tracking her sister. We finally managed to get a location this morning and when we did some more digging she found out...Wait she's not there yet? She told me it only takes half an hour to get there,"

"No, she's not here yet. What did she find?"

"There's a bomb planted near your house,"

"Excuse me?"

"They planted a bomb under your house, Jack. You need to disable it or get the hell out!"

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