Aisling ✿

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"Chapter" 1: Aisling ✿

(A small side note, the character in the cover of this chapter is not Aisling, however I could tell you how she looks like, if you'd want to.)

She sat behind her desk, looking out of the window. It starts raining. Aisling I like that name don't sue me begins to sense this incredibly tense peacefulness what makes her even more sad. As she's watching the raindrops racing down the window, her anxiety kicks in.
She starts slightly shaking, but doing her best to make it not noticeable in order to not attract attention from her awful classmates.
She hugs herself, whispering sweet nothings hoping to calm herself down. It didn't work.

As the bell begins ringing and everyone slowly walks towards their desk, Aisling's anxiety gets worse. It felt like as if she was not able to breathe, as if something heavy fell on her chest while there's no one to help, to understand. She's sitting there, feeling completely alone. Obviously unaware of the teacher coming to the classroom.

As soon as everyone stands up, she finally wakes up from her dream state and quickly stands up like the rest. The teacher tells everyone to sit down, with Aisling being the last one to do so.

Her shaking became uncontrollable to the point it was quite noticeable. Aisling's feel to almost seemingly impossible breathing got worse, making her breathe harder as her heart was pounding each second more and more.
She can't even focus on what's the teacher saying, and when she attempts to think about it her shaking legs make a loud enough noise to catch attention of everyone in the class.

She could slightly sense the annoyance yet curiosity of her classmates, as they were looking at her with their judgemental eyes.

The teacher obviously asks something, but Aisling had no idea what. All she could hear were echoed voices of familiar people, nothing else. She looked up towards to sound with her vision being almost completely blurry. The weird echo noise repeats.
Suddenly, it felt like as if the anxiety completely disappeared for few seconds and lost control of Aisling's behavior. Aisling just quietly, with a soft voice spoke
"C-can I please use the restroom?.."
The teacher looked at her with a sarcastic face and chuckles. After she asks her if she couldn't use it while it was still the break. With a more breaking voice Aisling says "P-please.." The teacher just laughs, while her classmates begin to whisper. Teacher lets Aisling to go on the end of this small, yet uncomfortable enough conversation.

As soon as Aisling stands up, she can feel anxiety coming back again.
When Aisling began to feel she's losing it, she begins to run to rest room rather than walk.

She slams the door open, coming to the mirror with basin under it. She looks in the mirror, shaking completely, only focusing on the tears slowly falling down her tired face.
Aisling now just does her best on not making a single sound. Attempting to shut her mouth, she harshly puts her hands on it. After she has stopped crying so much, she was slowly letting her hand down, when out of nowher- blood. There was blood on her hand. With fearful yet confused expression she looks in the mirror, noticing that her nose is bleeding. Suddenly, her head spins so hard, she can barely stand. Anxiety, with kicking in paranoia grows stronger, to that point she- faints.

Aisling falls down on the dirty floor, her vision being more blurry than ever. Even when she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore, she didn't care. She was too tired to. To do anything. Even make a sound. This was her last day, last moment, and she knew it. But at this point, she didn't care. She didn't have the strength.
As her last thoughts cross her mind, she slowly closes her eyes, fainting.

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