Forty-Six (Bonus 1)

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Mitchell woke up to the sound of Ethan shouting and groaning. He stretched and turned to his side, rubbing his eyes open. He watched on as Ethan started explaining something in hushed tones to whoever was on the line. Mitchell wanted to listen in on the conversation but found himself distracted by Ethan's bareback. The way his muscles flexed when he lifted his arms made the butterflies in Mitchell's stomach tingle. He traced the line from his back to his waist where those two gorgeous dimples rested, basically eating Ethan out with his eyes. Mitchell's mouth watered at the sight and he couldn't help but wonder when he would be able to get his lips on Ethan's skin.

"What's going on?" He finally decided to ask, making Ethan jump as a shudder run through him.

"Fuck!" The muscular boy exclaimed. "Your voice gets me every damn time," he whispered as he walked towards the bed and Mitchell chuckled.

"My mom wants us home for dinner today," Ethan stated as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes and the boy nodded. He didn't mind going to Ethan's for dinner at all. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," whispered Mitchell. "My side hurts a bit but I'm okay. And you? How's your shoulder?"

Ethan shrugged, and then winced. "I'll be fine," he said, trying to assure Mitchell but the older boy saw right through him.

"Lie down," ordered Mitchell as he pushed Ethan gently off of him. "I'll get you water and some painkillers."

"Blue, I'm okay..." Ethan argued but shut up immediately when Mitchell glared at him. He almost chuckled at how cute the boy was when he was angry but managed to keep it in to avoid angering him further.

"Please don't lie to me, Ethan. I know you're hurting. I can see it in your eyes," he stated sadly and Ethan stared at him for a long while, before he finally nodded, admitting to his pain.

"Stay here." Mitchell hurried downstairs to get Ethan a glass of water and the prescribed painkillers the doctor had given them. He also made a cheese sandwich so Ethan could take his pills.

"Do you want to just stay in bed and rest today?" He asked when Ethan finished eating and taking the medicine.

"I was thinking about going to see Max."


"Um... for answers, if he'll give them, and to see how he's doing. Is that okay?"

Mitchell nodded. "Yes, of course. I'll go with you."

"Alright... we'll go later during the day then. But, right now, I just want to stay in bed and look into those ocean eyes of yours," whispered Ethan as he took hold of Mitchell's hand, pulling him into the bed with him. "So come here," he smirked.

Mitchell giggled as he fell on top of Ethan, who lifted the covers over them. He leaned down and pressed his lips gently onto Ethan's, sighing when Ethan's lips finally met his and he opened them up to feel more of him, moaning in the process. He moved his knees so he was straddling Ethan, giving more room for their swelling shafts to touch. The blue-eyed boy squealed as he felt Ethan's member that was extremely hard and hot against his. His mind went into a flurry of thoughts, with one of the most pressing being the last time he saw and tasted it, and another being how it would feel to have Ethan inside him.

At that thought, Mitchell immediately pulled away to stare into Ethan's emerald eyes, making the younger boy groan.

Mitchell licked his lips and smirked at how frustrated Ethan looked. His boyfriend was so fucking hot. But were they ready? Was he ready for that particular step? Even the little blowjob he gave Ethan the last time came with bad memories that he forced down, so how many more would come if they were to go all the way? Mitchell wasn't sure what to expect.

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