Episode three: I want to protect and help everyone that are good

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Starting off with Kazuya, Sho, and the extermination squad still there where Kazuya killed the dragonfly Amazon.

Sho: He claps his hands "Good job there. Now then how about we go and kill the rest of the Amazon."

Kazuya: "...No..."

Sho: "Huh?"

Kazuya: "I... won't kill..."

Sho: "And what's that suppose to mean?"

Kazuya: "I don't kill because I want to but it's because 'it' makes me." Then Kazuya attacks Sho as the two fights like the combination of a warrior and a beast

Sho: "Is this all you got?" Then they used the blades on their hands to fight until Kazuya throws him away for distance "Here catch!" Then he throws and I beam at him but he cuts it in half and the other half was gonna hit someone but the mole Amazon catches it from hitting one of his dead ally as he reverts to normal as Sho already fled the scene

Mamoru: "Maehera? Please don't die... Maehera! Maehera!" Then he started crying over his dead ally which caused Kazuya to regain his sanity and to feel sadness and regret

Kazuya: "No... I didn't mean to." He then started running

Misaki: "Fire!" Then the extermination squad proceeded to fire at Kazuya but somehow they all missed and then Kazuya as he escapes and by doing a high jump


Kazuya wakes up not at his home but someone else as he got up from a couch

Kazuya: "Ugh how did I got here." Then he hears footsteps coming towards him "W-whose there?" Then he realized that his driver wasn't on his waist so he put his fist together

Irina: "Eh? It's me Irina."

Kazuya: "O-oh it's just you." Then he put his fist down "Wait how did I get here?"

Irina: "Well..."


As Irina was doing regular things people would do when they're home she heard a crash outside and to find Kazuya still in Omega form but when he took two steps towards her he passed out as he reverts back to normal and then she took him in her home

End of flashback

Kazuya: "Ok then that explains everything."

Irina: "Yes but Kazuya what was that?"

Kazuya: "What was what?"

Irina: "That thing that you were before."

Kazuya: "Amazon."

Irina: "What?"

Kazuya: "A creature the size of a cell that feeds off the human cell. In order for me to control it was to take my shots that prevents me to go berserk and... eat people."

Irina: "Wait then that means... you were that creature that killed that priest?"

Kazuya: "I guess you could say that but I didn't know but when I gained the driver I was able to keep control of my sanity and become stronger but still I still have to worry."

Irina: "Worry about what?"

Kazuya: "There was something I didn't get was that there was one Amazon who was already went berserk and then I killed him I felt guilty for what I did.." He cries "I-I don't know if I'm human or not..." Then he was hugged by her

Irina: "Don't try to worry about that question. You are human no matter what."

Kazuya: "Y-yeah but still..."

Irina: "You are human. That is that. Is that clear?"

Kazuya: He sighs "Fine but question why did you brought me in your own home?"

Irina: "I don't know where you live plus..." Then she started twiddling her thumbs "J-just because."

Kazuya: "O-oh alight then i'll get going." Then he was about to leave her home but Irina stopped him from leaving

Irina: "No please don't worry you can just stay here it's already late."

Kazuya: "Wait wha-" Then he looks at his watch to see it's 10 at night "Oh well it's getting late."

Irina: "Yeah just sleep here tonight."

Kazuya: "Fine." He lays down on the couch as Irina places a blanket down on him

The next day

It was Saturday and Kazuya gets up

Kazuya: "Ok i'm hungry I could go for anything with protein... maybe I could try human meat..." Then he slaps himself "No not cannibalism." Then he left as he went to go for a walk until that was when he sees someone running and that he sees the same bracelet that Kazuya is wearing so he sneakily follow that person until that person went to her apartment and closed the door until that was when he sees the extermination squad in a van as they wears a pest extermination suit until he was grabbed by the hands by someone

Irina: "Hey what are you doing?!" Then Kazuya covered her mouth

Kazuya: "Shh. Look." Then the extermination squad went to the second floor as when they did they removed their pest suit and were wearing what looks like military armor

Irina: "Huh?" Then the squad enters that apartment to hear firing bullets "What the?!"

Kazuya: "Then they're dealing with an Amazon."

Irina: "How many are there."

Kazuya: "I don't know but I should help them." Then that was when Irina gave him his driver "Thanks."

Irina: "No problem but you said you need protein right?"

Kazuya: "Yeah but I haven't eaten anything."

Irina: "Here." She handed him two boiled eggs to which Kazuya ate as he digest a raw egg and then puts on his driver "Why did you ate that raw egg?!"

Kazuya: "Look it was in the moment." Then he twist the left rod


Kazuya: "AMAZON!" Then Irina stands back


Then Kazuya enters the second floor


Sho was on his motorcycle as he drove to the pier but he didn't mean to as he was following his gps

Sho: "What the?! Shit they gave me a fake location." Then he drives to where he can find the Amazons

Back to Kazuya

The extermination squad were attacking the queen ant Amazon until Kazuya enters inside and helps them as he sees Mamoru having a hard time dealing with the queen ant Amazon

Shido: "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Kazuya: "I wanted to help you! I need to redeem myself for what I did. Even though I can't forgive myself for killing a man but I must do what I can do!" Then he throws the queen ant Amazon (Q.A.A.) as it runs away

Shido: "Quickly get it!" Everyone chases after it until that was when something wasn't right "Wait wouldn't someone notice the noises we made?" That was when they were screwed as soldier ant Amazons appeared (S.A.A.)

Mamoru: "What do we do?"

Shido: "Obviously we killed these son of a bitches!" Then everyone were killing the S.A.A. as Kazuya and Mamoru were going after the Q.A.A. but this was hard as there were so many S.A.A. that it was hard for them to deal with

The end

We have to fight to survive (Highschool DxD X Kamen Rider Amazon Oc)Where stories live. Discover now