Gold Winglet

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"My name is Qibli, you might have heard about it as I was nicknamed the Lionheart. In fact, it has been added to my full name Lionheart Qibli Scorpion. It a mouth full isn't it, Anyways I introduce you to the Gold Winglet." 

Lionheart Qibli Scorpion

"You what me to go first? Alright then, let get started. I am the heir to my house which is loyal to the Sandwing Crown and to its royal family. Oh, I see that Clay has told you that we have been friends...that part is very true as we have sworn an oath under the Moonlight tree alongside Winter. Even though we are from different Winglet, we are still friends at the end of the day. Now back to the topic, I am not exactly happy about marrying but if my duty and I do process the major divine blood of Scorpion." 

(Qibli process major divine blood of Scorpion. He is strong is Swords, Riding, Lances and Leadership but terrible in Reason Magic and Flying.) 

Sunny Scorpion 

"Sunny is my younger sister...or step-sister to more 'exact'. She was taken in by my mother...her step-father is unknown. Sunny scales are more bright than a normal Sandwing and she doesn't have the venomous tail like the normal Sandwing it...strange. She often called the Lionheart sister, many nobles tried to proposal her into marrying but she often declines. Sadly it didn't stop one foolish noble for trying to kidnap her, lucky I managed to stop him and well...I teach him a lesson that he will never forget. I noticed that she is very well skilled for the sword as expected with the divine blood of Scorpion within her but what not normal is that...she is well skilled with faith magic which isn't normal...anyways just don't get into her bad side and you be fine," 

(Sunny process minor divine blood of Scorpion. She is strong in Swords, Riding and Faith Magic. She is weak in Brawling, Heavy Armour and Axes. She has a hidden talent in Leadership) 


"Onyx was a sheltered dragon so her background is a bit mysteries. All we know is that her mother was killed and that she is the youngest out of all of us...the cause of death of her mother is unknown as she refuses to talk with me or to be more exact cooperate with me, her father is also unknown. However, she was accepted into Jade Academy which made me suspicious of her. Before you ask, yes I keep a close eye on her." 

(Onyx process no divine blood? She is strong in Swords, Reason magic and Lances. She is however weak in Reason magic and Faith Magic. Has a hidden talent in Riding.)


"Ostrich is the daughter of a famous general named Six-Claw who is currently serving under our noble house. She is a good friend between both me and Sunny, as she what to continue her father legacy and serve under our noble house. However, she can be a bit of a 'sand brain' sometimes as she can really mess up," 

(Ostrich process no divine blood. She is strong in Lances, Flying and Faith Magic. She is weak in Reason Magic, Axes and Heavy armour. She has a hidden talent in leadership.)


"Pronghorn is a smart dragon as even though he doesn't process divine blood his magic is pretty strong, his family is located at the border between the Ice Kingdom and isn't exactly rich. So it seems most likely that his family send him here in hopes of finding a future. He spends most of his free type at the library studying, but he is willing to help others...just don't bother him too much,"

(Pronghorn process no divine blood. He is strong in Reason Magic, Faith Magic and Bows but is weak in Flying, Heavy armour and brawling.) 

Prince Smolder Scorpion 

"He the son of the current Queen Oasis and he is the oldest within our houses. He was barely able to convince his mother to go to the Academy as he mostly what to escape his three sisters. He also not exactly on terms with his mother as we discover that Queen Oasis has 'take out' his possible lover who was cook within the royal kitchen. He seems heart-broken about it but he is willing to chat with me for a cup of tea."

(Smolder process minor divine blood of Scorpion. He is strong in Swords, Reason Magic and Leadership. He is weak in Flying and Faith Magic. He has a hidden talent in Lances) 


"She grew up alone in the southern region of the Kingdom when reportedly Nightwings attacked and killed her parents, she was just a little dragonet when that tragedy happened. She grew up the rest of her life in a so-called church that believes in the mother dragon that created all of us. She kind, warm heart and is caring. As she told me that she what power to protect everyone and to care about those who are suffering. In which I am happy to assist." 

(Arid process no divine blood? She is strong in Faith and Reason magic but is terrible in Swords, Lances, Axes, and Brawling. She has a hidden talent in bows.)

"Now personally I hope that our teacher can put our class together as I heard some dark rumours within our Kingdom. In fact, it about to my turn to control the elite Scorpion Knights from my mother. I do hope that peace can forever last as that Nightwing Slaughter is just...wrong." 

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