She Came In Through The Bathroom Window

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~Chapter 1~

I let out a sigh as the bell rang. Thank god. I hated school. It was the worst thing in the world. Maybe it's only like that for me, though. I get made fun of because of my clothes, the way I look, the way I act...everything. Some people actually like school because they can see their friends. I'd like school two, if that was the case. Too bad I don't have any friends. The only reason I actually went to school was cause of lunch. It was free food.

I lifted my books back into my arms before walking to my locker. Right when I was about to dial my combination, a hard force slammed me into my locker.

All the books that had been precariously placed in my arms tumbled onto the floor with a loud thud. I didn't look up as I bent down to pick them up.

The laughter traveled down the hallway as the group that had shoved me left. Even without looking, I knew exactly who it was.

Amanda Craven and her idiot boyfriend, Luke White.

They were the most cliché couple ever. Amanda was head cheerleader, and Luke was the quarterback. How original.

What made me even sicker was the pack of puppies that followed them around. The cheerleading squad couldn't possibly get any dumber. It's as if they lived for guys, and guys only. The jocks were the same way. Stupid, and obsessed with girls.

Now, there were also other groups in the school that helped break the stereotypical part of our school. But I won't go into detail.

I just scoffed as they walked off.

Sliding my books into one arm, I quickly spun the lock, but got mixed up half way through the combination. I tried again, slower this time, and was able to get it open in another two tries.

I stuffed the books into my backpack, slung the bag over my arm, then walked out of the school.

Most kids had parents to pick them up, or they rode the bus home. Not me. I didn't have parents or a home to go home to. Well I did have a house, but it wasn't home.

I started walking back to my place, which was a good seven miles away. It was a long walk, but it was nice to be away from the school.

I thought back to all the times I'd wished I actually had a family to come home to. All I had was an abandoned house which I'd claimed a few years back.

I didn't have a phone, well, there was a pay phone nearby that I'd rigged to use as my own personal phone, but that's beside the point. I didn't have a TV, or a boyfriend, or friends. I didn't want a boyfriend. All the guys at my school were too weird, or clingy, or jerks. There were a few probably weren't, but I didn't know for sure.

I soon set foot on the gravel path that led to my house. I almost smiled when it came into view. Even though it was old, in dire need of repair, and a little creepy at night, it was still mine. Not legally, but nobody had lived here for a good ten years, so it was safe to say that I could use it.

One of the bushes to my right started rustling, and I laughed when a half black, half white cat crawled out, looking filthy.

"Hey, Reggie."

He rubbed up against my legs and purred when I reached down to pet him.

When I first found this place, I'd thought that there wasn't a living soul inside the house. I was wrong. This cat had been hidden in the house for who knows how long. Scared me half to death, two, when I found him. After few months of me feeding him whatever leftovers I could give him, he began to trust me. That was when I decided to name him, so Reggie it was.

He's been my only companion for the past couple of years.

"You hungry, buddy?" I asked.

He meowed in response.

"All right. Stay here. I'll be back soon."

I went inside, set my book bag on the floor, then headed off again. I didn't live too far from the city, so if I ever needed something, I would just walk downtown and see if I could hassle a few people till I got some food. I couldn't get a job, because I needed parent signature, and a parent ID and all that other stuff. So, without parents, I was stuck jobless. Meaning, everything I owned was pretty much stolen. I didn't like stealing, but I didn't have a choice. I wouldn't be alive if I hadn't stolen food.

There was also that choice to go to the Child Protection Services, or whatever, but then they'd put me in some foster home, and I didn't want that. So I was stuck with stealing.

I walked up to the McDonalds, and walked inside. I waited till one of the workers put a bag of food on the counter for someone to pick up, and I snatched it up. The funny thing was, no one noticed me. I was able to walk out of McDonalds with a bag of food that I hadn't paid for. All I can say is wow.

I looked inside the bag to find two cheeseburgers, and two large fries. I got lucky this time. Normally, it's something real small.

While I walked back to the house, I ate some fries slowly. I always tried to make it last a little longer. I was the kind of person who got hungry in the middle of the night.

The second I was on the front porch of my house, Reggie slinked up to me, meowing. He was a smart cat. He always knew when it was time to eat.

I sat down on the steps, and gave him half of my burger, and a few fries. For a cat, he's pretty spoiled. I'd never had the money to buy, or the energy to steal, cat food for him.

This is the life, I thought. Well almost. It would be nice to know that someone loved me.

I looked down at the food, and was no longer hungry. I tossed Reggie the rest of my fries, wrapping the other burger and large fry back up in the bag.

I stood up, went inside the house, and set the food on the counter top in the kitchen. The greatest thing about this house was that some of the furniture was left behind, so I have a refrigerator that doesn't work, no electricity, a broken table, a couch with quite a few holes in it, a dresser that is surprisingly intact, and an old mattress with a few blankets. It might not be a lot, but its enough for me.

I plopped down on the old couch, grabbed the portable CD player that I stole (I would have gotten a CD player, but the house didn't have electricity), slid the headphones on my head, and began listening to Abbey Road. It was my favorite Beatles CD, and yes, I also stole it. Just a heads up, but a lot of things I own are stolen. Not my favorite thing to say, but I wasn't gonna lie, so.

I closed my eyes and hummed along to the song, Maxwell's Silver Hammer.

What a life I have.

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