SCITTBW Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes as the alarm on my watch went off. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Another day of school.

I made a face. Great.

I nudged the black and white lump that was lying next to my feet.

"Reggie! Time for school!"

He turned his head to me, opened one eye, stared at me for a minute, then went back to sleep.

"Ugh, you lazy cat."

When I stood up, I realized just how bad the mattress was for my book. I turned from side to side, cracking my back.

Sighing heavily, I walked into my kitchen and took the McDonalds bag out of the broken fridge. It may not keep things cold, but it still kept anything that shouldn't be in there out of it.

I stuffed the rest of the burger down my throat as I chose jeans and a gray beatles shirt. It was originally black, but the color washed out of it a long time ago. And yes, I do like the Beatles.

I slipped on my dirty converse, and ran down the hallway towards the door. I skidded to a stop when I came to the cracked mirror on the wall.

I stared at my reflection and frowned. Ice blue eyes, shabby brown hair that was uneven because I cut it, a small nose, and a few freckles. I wasn't much to look at at all. Yeah, I was thin, but not curvy like most girls. If you looked closely, you could see my ribs through my shirt. I wasn't able to get food every night, and sometimes I didn't get breakfast either. Another thing that I hated about me was my height. A whopping 5'3. That was how tall I was. I hated being this short.

It didn't matter. I had time to fuss about how I looked later. I couldn't be late for school. That was one thing I prided in. My permanent record. Straight A's, never late, and no detention.

I grabbed my bag, said goodbye to the still asleep Reggie, and headed out the door towards school.

The sky was dark, and filled with rain clouds. Crap. I started to run, praying that I wouldn't get caught in the rain. The last thing I needed was to go school soaked.

I saw a streak of lightning in the distance, and thunder boomed.

Just then, the sky opened up and it started to poor.

I ran fasted, but still ended up getting drenched.

By the time I reached the school, I was shaking. I was freezing, and soaked. I walked into the office, and the second Mrs. Lay, the woman who worked at the office, saw me, she gasped.

"Oh my, what happened?"

"T-t-the....r-rrr-rain." I said through chattering teeth.

She pursed her lips, held up her finger signaling one minute, then walked into the next room. I stood their dripping, waiting for her to come back. When she did, she was holding a blanket and other clothes.

"Here. Go change." She shoved me into the bathroom with the dry clothes.

I looked at them, and frowned at the pink shirt. Why pink? I didn't say anything though, as I put the shirt and loose-fitting jeans on.

When I got back into the office, she grabbed my wet clothes, handing me the blanket to stop the shivering.


"You're welcome, hun."

She wrote me a late slip, and told me to go to class. So I did what she said. I walked back to class. Once I opened the door, I heard the snickers immediately. I handed the teacher the slip, and slinked back to my seat.

This is going to be another long day.


I was so grateful when lunch time came around. I hurried to the office, and luckily, my clothes were dry, so I was able to change out of my pink shirt, and put my other one back on.

My stomach rumbled, so I went back into the cafeteria.

Before I could reach the lunch line, I was suddenly lifted off the ground. I screamed, and heard a laugh. Luke White. That's who the laugh belonged to.

"Put me down!!"

"Sorry, Whitman."

He threw me over his shoulder and walked out of the cafeteria. I could hear the other laughter as well. Almost everyone was enjoying this. Well, I'm sure there were a few tables that weren't laughing, but they weren't helping either, so.

Just as soon as I'd been lifted up, I was dropped onto the hard ground.

Luke shut the door and I heard the lock turn.

The janitor's closet. That's where'd they'd locked me. It wasn't the first time, either.

I was so hungry, and cold that I started to go into hysterics.


The was a click and the door opened. Standing in front of me was the janitor. He had a sympathetic look on his family. As I said before, this wasn't the first time it'd happened. He held out his hand and helped me off the floor.

"You okay, Jackie?"

I just shrugged. I was starving.

"Maybe you should tell someone..." He trailed off.

"No. No, it's fine. Thanks though."

I practically ran out of the building, heading for downtown. What I needed right now was some food. I normally went to McDonald's, because the people there were so ignorant.

Once I was inside the fast food joint, I hung around the line, waiting for someone to forget about their food. But no one did. I caught a few dirty looks from one of the workers.

After standing around for a while, the manager came out, and started yelling at me to stop loitering. They chased me out of the building, so I was stuck with nothing to eat.

My stomach hurt so much from being empty. I just started moping around town.

I soon reached a small little neighborhood.

That's when I smelled it. Turkey. It must have been leftover from Thanksgiving. Even so, it smelled so delicious, and it didn't help that I was starving.

I walked towards the smell, and found an open window. It wasn't rational, I knew that, but I did it anyway. I started climbing in through the window. Slowly and silently, I set my feet down on the tile floor. I was in the bathroom.

Somehow, someone heard me because within seconds, I was staring into a pair of piercing green eyes.

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