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His panicked eyes meet mine as the realization smacks me over the head and our voices ring out in unison.


I feel my hands fly to my hair without so much of a thought while tears spring to my eyes, though they never leave his.

"Why didn't you.. how could you let this happen? This was your plan wasn't it?" I laugh out incredulously, "Knock me up so I have no choice but stay with you, genius."

I make a move to storm off but wince from the sore spot between my legs

"Are you okay?" His voice is small as he scoots closer to me on the bloody sheets.


Hope our neighbors weren't serenely sleeping this lovely morning.

He laughs, literally laughs in my face, but stops himself shortly as he realizes my anger is growing with his amusement.

"We'll just go with Plan B," he shrugs as if it's the most simple thing in the world. "Happens all the time babe."

"What? It's already done, any plan you got now is a little late don't ya think?" I roll my eyes as my hands swing around me manically.

I watch as he tries and fails miserably to hide his laughter.

"It's a pill baby, trust me."

His laughter has died out as he pulls me closer to him by my arm.
I choose to ignore the last part because he's been dangling trust in front of my face like he hasn't basically kidnapped me.

"Okay, lets go get it now." I nod my head surely as I carefully get up from the stained sheets and walk around the bed to find clothes.

"It's 3AM, we aren't going anywhere. Would you relax?" His annoyance seeps through his tone but, as he scoops me bridal style into his arms it's forgotten and I giggle lightly.

I bring my arms around his neck, as I quickly realize we're naked and I need to get down, now.

"I'm going to take a bath will you.. do something with those sheets?"

My feet find the ground and I shift from foot to foot as I wait for him to agree. Instead, his eyes greedily rake over my body and I shiver underneath his gaze. I almost wish I was more.. experienced for him. I almost believe he deserves that from me.

He clears his throat, "Yeah."

As I nod carefully, I decide it wouldn't hurt to watch him get dressed before my bath. His body is the best thing that happened to me along this.. journey, bite me.

He slides on his sweatpants first, and I'm taken aback by the fact he doesn't seem to be putting on a shirt next?
Yeah, not going to work for me.

I plan out my words carefully as he shoves the all of the sheets into a trash bag and I let out a heavy breath I hadn't planned on holding while his eyes meet mine.

"Um.. aren't you FORGETTING something.." He tries walking away, but is turned around by the tone of my voice.

"I don't believe so?"
He sets down the bag and makes his way over to me as I travel the short distance to his shirts.

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