Humans are not dolls

39 3 0

Yes I am human,

Yes I make mistakes!

But you,

Only used me in the first place...

Why should I care for you?

When you teased me,

Tormented me,

And only thought of me as a doll.

I have feelings,

Don't we all?

Doll or not,

I still breath air.

I dress like a doll,

And act like i'm an anime girl,

But that doesn't mean you can push me till I mentally fall.

Yes, I said things about you,

Nasty horrible things.

Which lead you to think,

"Maybe she's not the sweet little dolly I believed."

I am a monster,

Compare me to Chucky,

Or compare me to Lucy [Heartfilia],

I do not care.

I am me,

And that's all I've ever wanted to be.

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