Chapter 3

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~The blinding light of the explosion fades away and the surrounding buildings have been destroyed and the street is a mess. Kazuka walks out from under the broken earth shield and sees his mother and the general on the ground back into their normal forms and runs up to his mom~

Kazuka: "Mom, mom, are you ok!?"
Safaia: "Don't worry baby....cough....cough,mommy's alright. Looks like I killed Raiyu with that move. I really wish I didn't have to do it though, he was a great friend."

~Kazuka helps his mom get up and they begin to walk off but something caught them by surprise. Safaia hears some rubble move and turns around to look but as soon as she turned it was already too late. Beams of light stab Safaia throughout her body~

General Raiyu: "You really thought you could kill me didn't you. You forget I'm on a whole other level than you Safaia."

~Safaia's body drops to the floor and she rolls over to face Kazuka~

Kazuka: "MOMMMYYYYY!!!"
Safaia: "It looks like it's the end for me my son. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you longer, I've failed as a mother."
Kazuka: "No you didn't, you're best mom ever. This is all my fault, I never should've left the house."

~Kazuka weeps and cries uncontrollably as Raiyu walks over to them~

General Raiyu: "Time for you to die too you abomination."

~As Raiyu aims one of his light beams at Kazuka, there's a familiar voice heard~

Kankaku: Dark Magic: Void Shatter

~A blackish purple aura surrounds the outline Raiyu's body trapping him and begins to slightly crush him. Kankaku comes out of nowhere and begins to hit Raiyu with multiple punches causing him spit out blood. Then Kankaku continues to ambush Raiyu~

Kazuka: "FATHERRR!"

Safaia: "Here Kazuka, take this"

~Safaia reaches and takes off her necklace that she always wore. The pendant was a crystal showing many different colors~

 The pendant was a crystal showing many different colors~

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(Kinda like this but on a silver chain)

Kazuka: "Why are you giving me this, this is your favorite necklace."

~Kazuka still crying continuously~

Safaia: "My time is up Kazuka."
Kazuka: " is going to finish off that guy and help heal you."
Safaia: "I'm sorry Kazuka. I love you so so much."
Kazuka: "I love you too mom, please don't leave me."

~Kazuka hugs his mother after he takes the necklace and grips it tight and then feels her stop breathing and her heart stop beating. Kazuka weeps more and more over his mother.
Meanwhile Kankaku notices the aura around Raiyu is beginning to break and that more soldiers are coming. He runs to Kazuka and Safaia's body~

Kankaku: " I'm sorry to see you go my love, I promise I will take care of our son."

~Kankaku runs as fast as he can to a forest nearby and opens up a portal to the Demon Realm~

Timeskip 2 days after

~Kazuka and Kankaku continue to morn over the loss of Safaia. Kazuka is the most affected by this, he's never dealt with loss of a loved one before unlike his father being a warrior who has loss friends before on the battlefield. But while at home they get an unexpected guest~

General Tozu: "Kankaku I know you're inside I need to talk to you."
Kankaku:(Oh shit, that's the general's voice, what the fuck is he doing here)


~After the call with Safaia ended and Kankaku walks back from the secluded place he was~

Kankaku: "Hanzo I need to leave."
Hanzo: "Why, what's wrong?"
Kankaku: "Some important news just came up and I have to go now."
Hanzo: "Alright, see you later then."(That was weird)

~Kankaku sprints off to a place where he could use his magic to summon a portal without being caught. On his way there he accidentally runs into the general of the demon army~

Kankaku: "Oh hey there General. I'd love to chat but I'm in a hurry right now."

~Kankaku sprints off in the opposite direction~

General Tozu: "Wonder where he's going in such hurry."(I've been real suspicious of Kankaku nowadays. He loved fighting and now he wants to retire. Gotten real soft the past couple years I wonder what's going on with him)

~Kankaku finally finds an place with nobody in sight, after running for a while, where he can open up a portal and goes to the dragon realm~


~General Tozu is at HQ inside the observation room~

General Tozu: "How's the surveillance going so far."
Surveyor: "Recently we've gotten activity in a certain sector nearby."
General Tozu: "Oh really, what's going on

~The surveyor clicks a button to show recording of Kankaku using a portal on the giant screen of the observation room~

Portal Surveyor: "Isn't that Captain Kankaku sir?"
General Tozu: " Yes, yes it is." (Where is he going) "Thank you for the information ."( I need to figure some shit out now)

End of Flashback

General Tozu: "Come out now Kankaku."
~Kankaku silently talks to Kazuka~
Kankaku: "Kazuka I need you to stay quiet. I'm gonna open up a portal to the human realm and if things get messy I want you to jump in ok."
Kazuka: "Dad, please don't leave me too."
Kankaku: "I won't ok, just promise me you will hop in if things get rough ok."
Kazuka: "I promise."

~Kankaku opens up the portal quickly and then walks outside the house then closes the door and Kazuka watches through the window~

Kankaku: "Hey General, What brings you here?"
General Tozu: "It has come to my attention that you are a traitor."
Kankaku: "Sir I'd never betray our race."

~Kankaku kneels down before the general~

General Tozu: "You say so but the damage has already been done."

~Kankaku begins to sweat~

General Tozu: "2 days ago I found out that you used a portal to go to the dragon realm. The next day I found out there was a huge fight between the general of the dragon army and one of their war maidens over a child, thanks to our spies hidden in the dragon realm. The war maiden that lost the battle was the child's mother. Apparently that child was half demon and half dragon and was saved by a demon which was most likely the father. And then for the past couple of years you've been going soft, talking about retirement. So I put 2 and 2 together. Now tell me Kankaku, where's the abomination you call a son."

~Kankaku turns around quickly to motion to Kazuka to go into the portal. As soon as he motions to him a hand comes out of nowhere and stabs Kankaku through his chest. It turns out that hand was the other captain and former best friend to Kankaku, Hanzo~

Kankaku: "Hanzo, how could you, I thought we were best friends."
Hanzo: "Not anymore, the fact that you fell in love with a dragon and had a child with her disgusts me."
General Tozu: "Hanzo, get the boy."

~Kankaku falls to the floor on his last breath and looks at Kazuka and mouths the words "I love you". Once he does that Kazuka begins to weep but jumps in the portal to the Earth realm as he promised and the portal disappears. Hanzo walks inside to look for the boy but can't find him at all~

Hanzo: "I can't find the boy anywhere General."
General Tozu: "Don't worry, that boy can't survive by himself, he'll die without anyone protecting him."

Meanwhile in the Earth realm

~Kazuka is teleported to an area right next to a mountain. Kazuka tries walking up the mountain hoping to find someone to help. As he's walking up the moutain he's crying over the deaths of both his mom and dad. Kazuka eventually gets tired and very cold and sits by a tree still weeping. He falls asleep under the tree and gets approached by a strange man~

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