Chapter 1

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Noble Hastati 1

Chapter 1 The Noble One

6's POV

I stared at the paper in the desk of the commanding officer of the recruit base. I looked up at the woman as she began looking through my files over and over again. Halsey said that my file had been changed to a marine recruit that has lost his family because of the innies. I didn't mind that ,because no one would believe that I was a Spartan 3 Hyper Lethal Vector who fought and "died" on Reach, because of my age and also I had gone back in time to right before the covenants attack. Hell I can barely believe it myself and I'm the one who went back in time.

"Your skills in combat and on the field are very impressive Six," she spoke to me not looking up.

I swallowed and kept my eyes on her. Will she think my story line is skeptical? What if she thinks I'm an innie? I stopped myself and kept calm. I was a Spartan calm is supposed to be second nature to me. I guess my Spartan skills weren't in my favor at the moment.

"You'll go to Hastati squad, I believe you'll do well there," she nodded looking up at me.

"You are dismissed," she looked back down at the paper.

I saluted and left. Hastati squad. Yes that's the squad Captain Lasky was in, or Lasky as he's probably called currently. I walked down the halls of the base with confidence and worry.

"Left of the armory..," I whispered to myself as I walked around the corner.

I looked up from the notes, and ran straight into someone. I stopped myself and grabbed the falling cadet's hand before they fell. I studied the young female in front of me. She had blue eyes, brunette hair, and light freckles on her pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry ma'am," I spoke quietly and pulled her up.

"You're fine, my name's Silva," the young female spoke to me smiling.

"Just call me Six," I spoke quietly.

She smiled and left saying goodbye to me. I watched her leave with dignity. Silva of Hastati squad. Well nice to know that my memories will still forever haunt me. She reminded me of Kat only a bit more American. I smiled with amusement and walked over to my room. Ironically it was numbered B312. How funny. I sighed and set my stuff down on the bed. My bag had two handguns, a DMR, and an Assault rifle. They all had a total of 7 clips along with them.

My dog tags hung around my neck with pride, but they also showed my battle scars as well as my pride. Sadly the scars shine brighter than the pride, but you would only know that if you knew me. And no one knew Noble 6, but Dr. Halsey and whoever she told of my presence. I shook my head and walked over to my holo screen. I typed in Covenant, but nothing came up; only classified files. I smirked I could hack any type of file without tripping any sort of alarm. I cracked my knuckles and got to typing.

"You going for the classified files?," I heard someone say beside me.

I jumped and looked at the boy. Sullivan, I believe his name was. I looked him up and down.

"Why are you asking," I asked him cautiously.

"I was doing the same thing ,and I noticed that someone was going through the process faster than me ,so I found the tracking point. It lead to here so I guessed you were going for the same files," he spoke with intelligence.

Great a female Kat. I nodded simply and got back to hacking the data base. I finally got it within 3 minutes. I clicked the file that I wanted to look at, and a video came up. Sullivan stopped the video for a moment strangely.

"Hastati come over here! Room B312!," he called out.

I looked at him and then back at the screen. Nice idea Sullivan now the whole team can defend themselves against a enemy that they don't know about. I nodded at Sullivan ,and he gave me a smile.

"The newest addition to our team, Six, hacked into a file and you got to see this," he spoke and played the video.

They all gasped and gossiped to each other. They had no idea what this was or "who" it was. I did oh I did. I growled innerly at the Elite on the screen. I'm ready for you you covenant bastards. Noble 6 is back to kick your butt a second time and this time I'm ready for ya.

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