Kaleidoscope Part 1

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Hey guys...if there actually is someone somewhere reading this! Just letting ya know that it's my first time so i would really appreciate some feedback and yeah that would be awesome.. Anyways, enjoy and tell me if this is any good!




1. multicolored

In this story we'll be talking about a kaleidoscope. But, in this case, the kaleidoscope will not be of varying colors, but points of one story. It will be multifaceted.



1. having many aspects or phases: a multifaceted problem. In other words, many sides of something.

For example, many different focal point of one story.

If you have ever looked into a kaleidoscope, then you know that the colors and shapes that you view change from which way you turn, or look at it. The same goes for what happened that October night.

It was the day of the year when people find it amusing to dress up in costumes, and con people out of their candy, only to feel sick in the morning. It usually involves girls showing too much skin to too many guys, and teenage boys fawning over themselves on how "cool" they were when they scared the group of kids from down the street.

It was chilly, but warm breeze filled through the autumn air. The breeze picked up the changing leaves and carried them through the night, until reaching their destination and floating back towards the ground.

Many of the local high school kids were attending a carnival. The noise was loud, lights were flashing, and to many, like Becky Keller, it was a perfectly fun night of celebration.

Becky went to the carnival with her friend, ate cotton candy, went on rides, and got home safe and joyous from the hours of well being. In her case, the night was nothing but laughing and spending time with friends; perfectly normal.

However, there are some who wouldn't agree with Becky Keller.

Some saw things they wish they had not.

Some know what went on the cool fall night.

Some know what really went on on that night of October 31st. And they would agree, that it was certainly not normal.


I hate to be one of those people who leave notes for people to "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!" or to "really TRULY recommend this to ALL your friends" but i really do need some feedback. I wanna know what you think, and how you think the story could be better. And i understand that I didn't really tell you much in this first chapter, but anything you would change or wanna help me with would be great!

Thanks everyone(again if anyone is actually there!)

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