Listen to my Weeping Heart

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It was that time of the year when flowers bloomed, Chaeyoung looked at her and smiled. 

“Do you believe in the idea of rebirth?”

“Chaeng, don’t be foolish. You know where I stand on this discussion.” Lisa frowned, making Chaeyoung smile all the more

“Lisa,” closing her eyes, bringing her voice down to a whisper “there’s nothing I want more than a chance at another lifetime with you.”

Spring, 1562

The scent of blooming flowers filled the courtyard, masking her bed chamber with a smothering sweetness. Lisa loved spring, loved how it brought color to her otherwise dull court life. 

She looked at her reflection, taking off the ornaments in her hair one by one and placing them neatly on top of her drawer, careful not to break the steady rhythm with which she moved. Order and discipline, just a few of the traits drilled into her being the moment she was old enough to walk and talk. Traits she despised to the core. She hated the silence and the stillness that kept everyone in its wake a prisoner with as much intensity as she did with what was expected of her. 


She kept telling herself that it was fear she hated most.

Fear of being a disappointment. 

Yes, her father expected much from her… but if she were honest with herself more it was the idea of losing herself to expectations that she feared the most. Becoming someone she isn’t to please those she was taught to repay; her family. 

She heard the ruffling of leaves and the soft snap of a broken branch outside. She sat still, holding on to the hilt of her dagger, fingers around the family crest engraved on it’s handle. She stood up, hanbok in a flutter towards the other side of her bed, the one farthest from the closed window where the sound was most audible.

“Lisa?” She heard a soft voice from the other side, it’s familiarity making her tense muscles relax. 

She surprised herself with how fast she reached for the window, sliding it open to peek at the woman smiling on the other side.

“Chaeyoung! By the god’s! What are you doing here so late in the evening?”

Lisa found herself smiling despite the anger that silently brewed inside of her. The obedient daughter inside of her was furious, but the real Lisa begging to break free was happy. Happy to see the familiar brown eyes that looked at her with fondness.

“I missed you.” 

Lisa’s breath hitched.

“Do you have a death wish? If father finds out…”

“Your father is sound asleep in his room, the servants are more concerned with filling their starving bellies and keeping themselves warm inside the servants quarters and I’m … missing you..”

Lisa was breathless.

How can one person take her breath away with just one look?

“If flowers bloomed for every lie you speak of Chaeng, you would have had a garden that would put the royal courtyard to shame.”

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