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Ahhh over 100 reads on just chapter one! That's so cool! Thank you guys ❤️

Present time~

I never looked back since that day, but just because I never looked back doesn't mean I didn't think about him everyday. I didn't comprehend what I did until I saw the sign that said "Welcome to California." Like holy shit. I really left Richard, and I can't go back. I don't want to go back. Aaliyah can't grow up in that atmosphere, she's only a baby. What if someone were to break in while Richard wasn't home? He didn't think about that.

I know we were struggling with money, and I was willing to help in anyway I can. If I needed to start working then I would have, we could have had Yash babysit Aaliyah or our neighbor. But he said no, he wanted to be the bread maker. He needed me to stay home and help raise Aaliyah so I simply obeyed. Richard and I have been through hell and back and I couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving and dropping everything and everyone. I left Richard, Yash, his whole family, our other friends. I left everything and I started from zero when I came to California.

Richard and I had planned on getting married, Yash was debating if he wanted to be the best man or maid of honor. He couldn't choose. My half brother and I started communicating in our late teen years and I was shocked that we were about the same age. We got along very well and Joel was willing to fly to Florida in order to walk my down the aisle and attend the wedding.

I finished my day dream about Richard and the hostess told me she had a full table ready for me. It was an hour till my shift is over and I go home and get Aaliyah ready for a checkup at the doctors today. She's getting so big so fast. She's already three and she starts preschool next year. I made my way to the table and I saw three men sitting there. They looked around my age and I prayed none of them would be inappropriate so I can quickly do my job and get the hell out.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is Alexis and I will be your waitress this afternoon." I said confidently and sweetly. I gave them each a menu, "We have another friend he's just in the restroom." The blonde one said, he had an accent. "Oh okay, let me go get another menu and I'll be ready to take your orders." I smiled and I turned but bumped into a chest.

"Sir I'm so sorr—" I gasped, there he was. It wasn't Richard but it was Yashua. I swear my heart kept pounding and I didn't know what to do. Is he going to tell Richard I'm here? "Alexis?" He asked shocked and I nodded, "How's everything? Oh my god it's so good to see you!" He smiled so big and I smiled lightly as well. "Everything's good, I'm working pretty hard. Speaking of that you should take your seat and I'll be back with your menu." I said and I walked away. "Well I'll be damned, She was in LA this whole time." I heard Yash and I shook my head. "Sweetie, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost." An older waiter told me. "Nah I'm fine, Joe. Just someone I haven't seen in a while came here out of all places. It's pretty crazy." I said and he chuckled.

I quickly grabbed the menu and I quickly made my way back to the table. "Anything I can start you off with?" I asked and they all ordered, "Richard is going to be so happy whe—" "Don't." I cut him off. "I don't want Richard to know where I am. That's why I left." I told Yash as I finished writing down his order. "But Alexis—" "I'll be back with your drinks." I smiled and I walked away again. I couldn't handle this anymore. I need to get the hell out of here. "Excuse me Paula?" I asked my manager, "Yes?" She asked, "The pediatrician just informed me that Aaliyah's appointment was moved earlier and they barley gave me a heads up. Can I give the table their drinks and hand it over to Yoandri?" I asked, I was lying but I can't stay here. "Yeah that's fine." She told me and I thanked her and I served the drinks. Yoandri followed me to the table and I gave the blonde one Dr. Pepper, the giggly one Pepsi, the colored eye one Sprite, and Yash an ice tea.

"Your orders are being made, my coworker Yoandri will be taking over from now." I said and Yash grabbed my wrist, "You're leaving because I'm here? Come on Alex, you can't just leave because of that." He said, "I have to take my daughter to a checkup." I responded and I let go and walked away. I quickly clocked out and I ran into my car.

I drove to Joel's house and I changed then drove Aaliyah to the appointment, I didn't want to tell him that Richards brother is here. He'd go all big brother mode and try to tell Yashua what's up. Yashua and Joel are pretty fit and I don't feel like watching them fight. Throughout the checkup Aaliyah was crying and kicking the nurses and I had a big headache, I don't like watching my baby cry because she's scared. "Shh shh shh, Mami it's okay. Porque lloras?" I rocked her back in forth in my arms.

She wouldn't let go and I offered her to take her out to get ice cream after the checkup. She was salty and mad at the doctor because she got a shot. But when he gave her a lollipop she was a little bit better. She held onto my hand as we walked in the parking lot. I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched so I kept a good eye out but saw nothing.

I unlocked the car and I buckled Aaliyah into her car seat, I closed the door and I slid in the front seat and I drove to the small ice cream shop nearby our apartment. She chose one scoop of strawberry icecream and I got hot Cheetos and agua de mango. I wasn't in the mood for ice cream. She sat across from me in the booth and she was eating her scoop.

"Mama...i cream?" She asked and offered me her spoon. "I can get some?" I asked and she nodded and gave me a smile with her strawberry infested mouth. "Thank you Princess." I smiled and I leaned forward and she fed me the small spoonful of icecream. I turned and look around the shop and I was beginning to feel paranoid. I know someone is watching me, and it better not be Yashua. I was so quick and slick after work, how would he be able to find me? I haven't seen a car follow me around today.

After Aaliyah finished I cleaned her mouth and I put her in the car seat, it was about five pm and it was her nap time before dinner at seven. She fell asleep in the car even though we lived ten minutes away. I parked in the small driveway and I made my way to her side and I balanced her in my arms with my keys in my hand and my purse on my shoulder. I walked up the stairs and I didn't hear someone walking behind me, right in front of my door I dropped my keys and I sighed. If I wake up Aaliyah she will cry, I can't pick up the keys unless I wake her up or else I could drop her.

"Here let me help you." The familiar voice said, I rolled my eyes when I saw Yashua. "I knew you were following me." I mumbled as I took my keys from his hand. "We need to talk." He said, "No we don't." I said, "At least let me see my niece?" He asked, "Hell no. Get away Yashua, you have no reason being here." I said annoyed as I shoved the key in the door and I unlocked the front door. I kicked it open and before I stepped inside Yash said, "Richard's on his way here. I didn't tell him anything I swear. It seems like maybe one of the guys I was eating breakfast with told him. He got the first flight to LA." He said quickly and my heart stopped again. "You better not tell him my address or else I will end you." I muttered. "I won't tell him. Can I see Aaliyah?" He asked, "she's asleep, I don't want to wake her. She'll get cranky." I told him as I walked in. He followed me and closed the door. I layed her on the couch and stood back next to him. He chuckled, "Just like her dad, she needs her beauty sleep." He said and I giggled. "Yep." I responded.

"She looks so much like Richard, she looks nothing like you." He told me and I nodded, "Yeah she does." I finished, "Aight, imma head out so you don't feel too uncomfortable." He told me and I nodded. "I won't tell Richard, don't worry." He said and I nodded and he was gone.

Tomorrow is my day off so it's perfect, I can stay home with Aaliyah all day and watch movies. If I don't go out then Richard won't see me. It's good, it'll be all good, I hope.

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Omg look at this beautiful angel 👼🏽

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Omg look at this beautiful angel 👼🏽

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