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A/N:  Sorry for the delay. Here is a longer chapter.

Z's POV:

I was standing in my dressing room huffing and puffing. My room was unusually a mess. I liked perfection but today I can't control my nerves. I was looking repeatedly at the clock, waiting for my best man to come and help me. I just took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. It helped.

A look back at things that went between Haz and I, the boys and I and also between my family makes me realize that life is hard at times. It's mostly 10% about what happens and 90% of how you react about it.

Like in our relationship, given the circumstances, misunderstandings and miscommunication, it was our anger that kept us apart. Our ego that didn't allow us to give in first.

In between the boys and me, it was again misunderstanding. They weren't just ready to accept my point of view or justification. They just wanted me to be there and I wanted out.

With my family, it was different. I got mixed reactions. My sisters were very happy and excited because Haz was their favourite, sometimes more than me. My mom didn't expect it but tried to understand what I want and my love for Harry. My dad was a whole another story. At first, he couldn't come to terms that I was in love with Haz, a man. I expected him to be understanding but I was a bit disappointed when he wasn't. He didn't speak to me for about 3 months when I told him. But I knew he just needed some time to wrap his head around. He did agree to it but only after a 2 hour long secretive conversation with Haz, which both of them didn't want me to know. Whenever I questioned my so-called Fiancé about it, his reply never changed but soared my heart, "it was a father - son's heart to heart conversation that concerns you in no way". But, after it, it was like Haz became my father's son. I was only by name. It made me content, joyous but jealous at times to see him so close to my hero.

I looked at the hazel eyes that were staring back at me filled with happiness, excitement, nervousness but also unconditional, immeasurable love for my Hazza, who'd be mine forever in just a matter of few hours.

I was just buttoning my trousers when the door opened and a loud voice was heard.

"I'm on time, as usual. Ain't I, Malik?", he questioned me with a grin.

"Loueh, you Idioh. When would you learn to be punctual? You're a dad for God's sake. Hope Freddie doesn't take after you", I replied a bit irritatedly.

"Oh c'mon, lad. Just because you are before time in everything, doesn't mean I'm late. You're just early in everything other than waking up, boi", he replied sassily.

I just glared at him without saying anything.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I got a bit late. Had to leave Freddie with El. He won't stay in one place. You know that", he explained.

"Oh yeah. Like father, like son. I pray he doesn't grow up to be like you", I murmured.

"Oi.. I heard that. Don't be so strict, Malik. It won't do you any good. You know Harry doesn't like to be so perfect, right? He likes when your house is a mess and things scattered around. And, he's gonna be one of those cool dads. So, make up your mind", he smirked.

"I'd have to have a talk about that with him, later. That can wait. Now come here and help me. I only have less than two hours to get ready. You already wasted my time with your lazy ass", I grumbled.

He sighed before starting to help me. Louis was helping me fold the pocket square when the door opened for the second time.

"Hey bro! ", in came Liam, holding Bear's hand.

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