Mystery In The Future

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When I'm gone, I'll be able to dye my hair however I want. Maybe bright orange. Maybe deep purple.

I'll be able to wear what I want. Black skinny jeans and thick jumpers. All year round.

I'll be able to slide around my new apartment and sing at the top of my lungs. Maybe to high school musical. Maybe to fall out boy.

I'll be able to eat what I want, when I want. Maybe sweets and chocolate until I'm sick. Maybe home cooked Italian food.

I'll be able to curse and talk how I want without being scolded for it.

I'll be able to sleep when I want and wake up when I'm ready. Sleep all day. Work all night.

I'll be able to have friends over when I want. Go out whenever I want. Meet up with whoever I want.

I'll be able to drink without being out of the house. Maybe a glass with dinner. Maybe until I pass out.

I'll be able to have whatever kind of relationship I want. Public. Private. Male. Female. It won't matter, nobody will be able to judge me.

I'll be able to watch whatever I want on the television. And spend as much time on the Internet as I want.

I'll be able to decorate however I want. Probably random crap that I find interesting.

I'll be able to be completely, 100% me. All day. Every day. Until I decide for a change. Or get bored of what I've done.

Then I can start all over again.

Which is why I stick around.

When I'm older.

Left school.

Moved out.

New town.

I can get a shitty job.

I can get a small flat.

I can have no friends.

But it will be mine and I can build it up however I want. And it can go so many different ways.

I live for the mystery in the future.

And what it might bring.

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