Context (Update 2023)

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There are plenty things in this story that I personally changed to the canon due to the fact I'm crossing two and a half worlds into one, I there is a couple things I added to the story... lets start with the more impactful one.

Things changed within the story

Ending events of the original Fairy Tail story: Spoilers for those who haven't read the manga, the original team of Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy and Erza decided to go off for the 100 year mission a year after the Alvarez War. In this story. I decided that this will not be the case, instead the Fairy Tail guild as a whole try to expand. Makorov and Lisanna are no longer dead, but Makorov will take a more guy in the chair approach until it gets really serious

Events for Dragon Ball Super and how the OCs affect both that and Fairy Tail: I decided the first dedicated year in this story would be in 795, I did adjusted couple events, for example, the events before Fairy Tail officially started would never happened, if Dragon Ball Super: Broly never happened, or any thing in the Dragon Ball history never happened, because everything that happened four years before hand. For the easier reference regarding the OCs, Tsuni, Rekkusu and Zane were born around the time Sting and Rouge were born...or rather at least a year before they were sent into the present. Meaning the naturally grew the at the same age as the Fairy tail guild, with many Fairy tail guild members being a certain ages (at least late teens if not Wendy or Romeo). 

Bleach is no longer part of the story: in the grand scheme of things, this will make things also doesn't help I'm not as passionate about it...

Saiyan races and culture: To make my OCs stand out, I have introduced primal and tribal saiyans. Primal and Tribal saiyans are mostly dark and/or mixed skin saiyans, with Primal saiyans being more intuned with their animalistic sides, rejecting the modernism of Planet Vegeta and Tribal saiyans are heavily family orientated and to some extent religious. Both Primal and Tribal Saiyans embrace their animal ancestors and believe their Zenkai Boost is form of adaptation and can be exploited, often breeding with each other, with the more exclusive lot inbreeding as well to keep it pure. Tsuni and Rekkusu are products of this incesteal nature with their parents being cousins and the added bonus of them being a mix of Tribal and Primal saiyans. Zane however is a mix of Primal and Aryan(saiyans like Goku or Vegeta)


Things added to this story


Power system: I figured I'd categorise how the power system works, so here we go

Chi: Chi is the raw spiritual energy of all living things that relies on mental, physical and spiritual understanding to be used properly but can be improved with intense reactions, there is no specifics except that a God's chi is unable to be read by a untrained mortal regardless how powerful both the God and mortal are, at best they can still feel physical pressure and perhaps a change in the temperature. Everyone who mastered chi has their own different style of it, their own technique... but it's not something that can't be copied or replicated, telepathy and telekinesis are rare instances that only the more focused people will do, while breaking your body and stamina is something more brute minded. Saiyans of all kind are born with a natural ability to use chi, even if they end up growing without the necessary skills to fight. Saiyans of incesteal  background like Tsuni and Rekkusu were (their parents were cousins) are genetically 'pure' and their chi is more malleable than others, being able to convert the aspects of nature and the elements into their chi

Magic: A more extensive form of energy, something that not everyone is born but is capable of learning as long as they put their heart into it as magic rely on emotion and/or general passion for your goal due to it's source being love. Despite they're more than a hundred characters in the original show being able to use magic, only ten percent of planet earth were allowed to use magic due to the potential danger it poses, only to change to 30% due to the peace that was brought upon to everyone in European Countries where magic is most dominate, there two popular forms of magic, caster magic is magic produced by the body, with holder magic being orientated to external forces. Unlike Chi or Reiryoku, magic comes in several sub categories, like slayer magic, elemental magic, equipment magic, weapon magic etc. It should be noted that in the European countries/ countries featured in the original fairy tail have vehicles that require magic for the engine to work. Some styles of magic can rival chi, specifically the caster kind due to their physical input, but this really rare in normal human beings.

Reiryoku/reiatsu: Exactly like chi, reiryoku is a form that lives with every living thing except that it is within those with a soul, reiatsu being the spiritual pressure from those who can control reiryoku to a proper extent. Those who can use reiryoku usually use a sword, perhaps more than two at a time, but the likes of hollows can use reiryoku as much as sword wielders. While chi alone is physically stronger than reiryoku, blast based attacks cannot do shit on those using reiatsu, there needs to be internal impact, melee based attacks with all kinds of energy (or just plain God chi) could actually impact the reiryoku/reiatsu user that well.


Colours of sin


While a clear/grey aura is normal for those who have trained chi, I have listed all the colours and the sin they correspond with, for the sake of spectacle and character development...

Pride/white: To be prideful in the story, you have to have a high amount of vanity, it can come from your looks, your skills, your general being or the pride you have in someone else. The colour of sin is white, this is the natural aura for most saiyans but for now, you would typically see OC character Tsuni with this aura

Envy/green: It can be very little, or the biggest amount, it doesn't have to be about romance or anything else, just general jealousy over something or someone. The colour of sin is green, you should see this aura being presented by Lucy mostly but she will be one of the few that changes that up

Lust/red: this sin is not limited to what you feel for someone, it depends on what you do and if you got a sexual high from it. I.e. fighting/sparring, food, some form of entertainment etc. The colour of sin is red, this can be argued as Super Saiyan God's natural aura but for now it is the aura of both Kaio-Ken and Erza Scarlet

Gluttony/yellow: This sin is not limited to food. It's more metaphoric and can also be linked to wrath in a sense. For example, in this story, a super saiyan's passion for fighting increases as well as physical attributes, their golden aura is basically a statement of hunger that must be satisfied by violence. Turning into a super saiyan god would make their hunger for battle turn into a lust for battle. Blue and Rose will be discussed later.

Greed/orange: It can be about anything you could link greed to, wanting something or someone to be left with only you, wanting more of something on a daily scale, wanting more power than you need regardless of the reason or just the general need for power. The colour of sin is orange, you would typical see this with Zane.. another Saiyan that will be introduced within the story

Blue/Sloth: If you are only motivated by your hobbies or the need to do something to avoid inconvenience, then the aura of sloth is perfect... it doesn't matter if you're generally energetic, if you find yourself more motivated to (hypothetically) fight than nothing else, you might as well be a sloth.If you fight only because the situation calls for it, you might as well be a sloth, The colour of sin is blue, this can be argued as Super Saiyan Blue's natural aura but for now it's Mirajane's most common aura

Pink or purple/Wrath: whether is hidden or out in the open... If you have rage towards a race, a event or just one person... your body will cast a light that only consider divine in the darkest pits of hell. The colour of sin ranges from bright pink to deep purple, this is Rekkusu's permanent aura, while you'll see this aura manifest to many other people who will use chi

Sins of the fairy (Dragon Ball X Fairy tail) [In Need Of Mateince]Where stories live. Discover now