Characters: Son Rekkusu

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Full name: Son Rekkusu

Age: 21

Height: 7ft 3

Form of hair: Imagine Raditz, but his hair is up to the small of his back, and normally pits in a pony tail

Features/Details that stand him out: Rexo has very sharp teeth, and like most anime mascots he has one fanged tooth outside his mouth, which is purely just design choice. Rexo has stitches nearly everywhere, mainly his arms chest and leg and neck. He has a single crack/slit across his face. Rexo carries a small satchel of snacks

Clothing style: Rexo would be the only one who has clothes that will draw the same attention that the fairy tail girls would with their chest alone, mainly due to the memes and sexual captions that would be on tank top his wearing, he would wear black baggy tracksuit bottoms so that the tank top that are usually flamboyant colours would stand out, but this doesn't stop him from wearing skater hi-tops made in the colour of the bi pride flag and neon green fishnet gloves.

Brawling/sparring: Taking off his fishnet gloves and replacing it with pink bandages and elbow pads. Rekkusu would take off his tank top and paint his face similar to American footballers.

Real and/or organised battle: Rekkusu would wear a buddy hugging pop-pink t-shirt under saiyan armour identical to Vegeta in Super and the Cell saga. His arms are armoured with golden bracers similar to classic Broly except they're weighted, alongside his white boots. Rekkusu would wear open palm grappling gloves for mere support and are not weighted like his bracers or boots.   

Personality: probably your hype-man's hype-man... Rexo can be quick to set off, quick to excite due to being a intelligent but emotional man-child that usually acts before he thinks . If he's not being the life of the party, then he's sparing with the sucker that he managed to persuade. He may be little shy at first but give him the opportunity to crack a few jokes and you could ask him to jump of a cliff and he'll ask how high

Fighting style: A combination of muay thai, wing chun, strong-style wrestling, aikido and judo

equipment and/weapons: Rekkusu has a bunch capsules that basically have a mobile kitchen, both desert, meat based foods, vegan foods (Despite he generally hates vegans) etc 

Race: Cyborg Black saiyan with tail (Black/dark skin Saiyans are typical known as Primal Saiyans)

Sin colour: Pink/purple(rage)

Likes: boobs, meat, anything sweet (preferably strawberry cake ironically), fighting, music, cooking (yes he fucking cooks) drinking with Cana, winning every Yugi-Oh game against Cana

Dislikes: Vegans, people who can't fight for themselves, fearful people, boredom


List of attacks, boost, etc

Boiling Blood: The physical infestation of one's lust and passion...hatred and anger within their aura. This basically allows the user to use their negative and/or hormonal emotions to safe extent as an alternative to chi, of course the user can become slightly more agitated than they usually are, but in Rekkusu's case, he's generally easy to antagonise despite his...selective intelligence

Electric Kaio-ken: Kaio-ken is essentially your adrenaline manifested, due to adrenaline often numbing people's pain and increasing their energy, thanks to being a cyborg, Rekkusu has synthetic adrenaline, so replicating the kaio-ken was simple. While Rekkusu does have organic heart and lungs, meaning he can still lose stamina and everything, every organ that is still intact has been enhanced, his stamina has upgraded to the point he can stay idle for a whole year without sleep or eating and only really needs to digest electrolytes and natural fuel to sustain energy. Rekkusu only eats sweets and normal foods out genetic habits and the fact his digestive system is still fairly flesh. Rexo's specific kaio-ken is teal blue when multiplied at 20 and beyond

Electric Super Saiyan: The rules for the electric kaio-ken loosely implies to the super saiyan, Rekkusu does not need to worry about losing stamina when it comes to transforming, but due to his aura being (Mostly) artificial, Rekkusu can change the elemental effect of his form, these elements include fire (55 multiplier),  Earth (75 multiplier), lightning (the exact same multiplier) and darkness (150 multiplier) (he calls this fists of glory)

Scarlet Ignorance/ Shinku Muchi Ju(Crimson Unawareness Gun): Rekkusu's alternate version of the Final Flash and his signature blast move. After gathering two massive balls of energy in front him, he cocks his arms back with a condensed version of the pair before snapping it back in front of him, launching a large red beam. (for reference, search gamma burst flash/prominence flash)   

Galick Slugger: One of Rekkusu more confrontational attacks. With a solid right hook or lariat, Rekkusu uses a bit of chi to launch his opponent miles away, before exploding twice, either on impact or one by snap of his fingers

Galick shotgun: Rekkusu's personal version of the galick gun. with hint of boiling blood, Rekkusu launches a close ranged version of the galick gun, at least 10 feet away from him, the beam will explode on the first thing touches

Violent Revolt: Rekkusu's alternative to the big bang attack, while the launching and preparation is the exact same, Rekkusu version of the big bang is free-form, giving it much more ease to follow it's target as it is heat seeking 

Dragon Fist: Just like Tsuni, Rekkusu can use the dragon fist while standing one place, being able to fire the dragon construct. Besides this, Rekkusu does use this rarely but can combine the final flash with it, something that Vegeta has forbidden.

Final Flash: Rekkusu was taught the final flash by Vegeta after being convinced that his student can do it after not only making his own move by looking at it but getting Vegeta to do a Kamehameha clash with him. Rekkusu can multiply it just like Tsuni can do with the kamehameha, but due to the final flash using much more power than the galick gun or big bang attack, Rekkusu settles for 10 at most

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