Chapter 1

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I'm so late for work today. I woke up late because my neighbor was making noise with his parties again. If that man continues with his childish behavior I would be forced to let our landlord know for the 100th time now. But then again he doesn't care about my complains, never does, all he says is that he will talk to him. Well I guess that how it works in this word hey. Talking means no action taken. Argh! I must find myself a better job and move to another place.

I close my door and about to lock it when I saw my neighbor accompanying some lady who looks like a stripper out. I am not surprised sham cause that's all he does the morning after. And it's different ladies every time and they look a certain way all the time. All with blonde hair, small petite and tall. Well not that I notice much about him and his weird ways. But he is making it so difficult not to notice.

I am now walking down the stairs and he is now coming back. "Hi beautiful you are late today. I wonder what happened?". He says and I wonder if I should say he happened but I contain myself. "I didn't hear my alarm" I say passing down. But I'm stopped from getting anywhere cause I feel his hand on my arm. Uhm excuse me. I give him one look and he lets me go.

That was weird. I catch a taxi to work and arrive just after our staff meeting. I get funny looks from every one coming from the staff room. The last person to get out is this handsome looking guy wearing a black slim fit suit and he is not looking happy at all. What a time to be alive. "In my office now, Miss Sandows". As he walks away. I'm still wondering how he knows my last name. Is he new here or what's happening? I was here last Friday moss or did I miss something.

I follow him not sure what to expect from him. "So what's your excuse for being late?". Wow for the fact that he said excuse I feel hurt because this person does not even know me or maybe he does. Like how does one even think I have an excuse instead of a valid reason. "I did not hear my alarm clock this morning. So I overslept,rushed here and that's why I got here at this time".  He chuckles and looks at me like I'm a high school kid in the principal's office.

Someone knocks on his door and enters this beautiful brunette lady dressed in a grey slim fitted suit with a v necked white shirt. Wow people where I been? These people I have never seen here. "Sir you have a meeting in Sandton in an hour. And I would advice you to leave now to avoid traffic", she says. He groans and says thank you in more like a whisper.

"I guess we will leave this discussion for later. Now if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to get to".  I was hoping he will say that I'm free from all of this. I walk up to the door and grab the handle. I hear something from him but it was not loud enough to reach my ear. Anyways I leave his office and reach my cubicle.

Before I even sit down, my friend Anika comes rushing to me with smiles and eyes fishing for news. She is like that, she wants to know everything. I bet she knows everyone's news good or bad. "So how was being in Mr Cutty's office? Was he mad? Did you see the color of his eyes? Oh my goodness that guy makes my pussy vibrate!!". Lord what did I get myself into. I didnt look at him that much cause shit was about to go down in that office. "Friend!! Come on tell me I won't tell anybody. I will keep my lips sealed". She is doing the action of zipping her lips and I laugh. I love how she is just so free about everything. "I did not see anything Nika. I was ready to get my second warning letter". Yeah I already got the first one when I slapped this chick who accused me of being a bitch when I refused to give her my work laptop. "What do you mean you never saw anything? You can't be serious this is Mr Cutty we are talking about". She claps her hands and holds her figure. She was about to say something when we saw Mr Cutty appear and that's how we went back to work.

I don't understand what's the fuss about. What's so special about this guy that I don't know?

Authors note
Hey guys this is my first chapter of this SHERO book.

Let me know me know what you think.

Cheers 🌻

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