Chapter 2 - Being Honest

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I can't believe my best friend has been in love with me all this time... how do I process this? He said nothing was different, but how can that be true? Everything is different now! Although, in the three weeks since finding out, it's almost like it never happened. He is acting the way he always does... except he's no longer trying to comfort me. He said he wasn't going to touch me, I guess he meant it.

Love and affection from another man isn't exactly what I wanted, but now that he wasn't doing it anymore, I felt lonely again. I missed my relationship like crazy and always having someone to comfort me. Before Jimin's little confession, he had been trying his best to comfort me, and it was working. Because of him, I was able to open up and get out some of the emotions I had been locking away. I suppose it wasn't right for me to use his kindness like that, especially now that I know it was hurting him to do it, knowing I didn't want him back. I was being selfish, but I wanted that comfort back. The longer I went without it, the more miserable I was feeling again.

"Jimin...", I decided to be open with him.

"Yeah, hyung? Are you hungry? I'm gonna start dinner in just a bit."

"No, I mean, I am, but... come here for a minute."

"What's up?"

"I'm a selfish person.", there, I said it.


"I know how you feel, and I know it hurts you to show me affection when I don't feel it back, but..."

"Get to the point, hyung."

"I miss your touch... wait, that came out wrong! Damnit."

Jimin just stood there with an eyebrow raised.

"What I mean is... I'm fucking miserable! You used to sit with me... and..."

"I'll hold you after dinner.", he had such a bright smile on his face, but his tone was so casual.

"That's not... what I... Just go make dinner..."

"Here... eat this and go sit down.", he handed me a bag of beef jerky off the counter. Now that's my kind of snack... Come to think of it, Jimin always gives me things I like to snack on just when I need them. How does he always know?

Another great dinner, I was finally starting to get my appetite back. Knowing there was someone who cared about me was nice, even if it was another guy. It helped to know I wasn't actually alone. It's too bad Jimin was a guy, the more I thought about all he's done for me, he would make a really good girlfriend. I laughed to myself at that thought, the first laugh I had since the breakup. It was true! He cooks, he cleans, he brings me snacks and clearly likes to cuddle. He's a thoughtful person... if only he had some tits and a pussy we'd be all good! I was almost rolling on the couch as the thoughts went through my head. Poor Jimin, if he knew I was having this laugh at his expense... Sorry, my friend!

Jimin came back from cleaning up and plopped down next to me to watch TV. I sat there, not sure what to do. He said he would comfort me after dinner, but was I supposed to move to him or was he going to come to me? AGH!! This was so awkward! Why did I even bring it up!? Nervous out of my mind, I glanced over at him to see if he was looking, too. When I looked at him, his head turned to notice me.

"Oh, right!", he put his arm out and pulled me in. This really was weird, why did I say anything?

"You don't have to... This isn't really fair to you."

"Are you kidding? I'll cuddle on you anytime you want!"

"Way to not make this weird at all..."

"Oh, is it weird for two guys to cuddle on the couch?"

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