Chapter 4 - Everything Changed

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Turns out that 'one time' sleeping arrangement wasn't so one time. Jimin had looked so lonely and miserable the following night, I had no choice but to stay with him again. Watching him shuffle his feet off down the hall, sighing loudly as he looked into his empty room... it pissed me off, he was so manipulative! But I couldn't just tell him to fuck off... He may have been playing it up, but the emotion behind it was real enough. I felt bad, what can I say? Jimin was always good at getting what he wanted, ever since we were kids. He would just pout like a kicked puppy and I would give in. The third night, he tried that shit again, but being suckered once was enough, I wasn't having it. I went to my own room with a growl, but soon found my bed occupied by him. Throwing him out wasn't an option, but it's not like I didn't try... he's just such a manipulative leech! That's how I ended up with a bunkmate for the last few weeks.

It was annoying after a while, the pity wore off and I wanted my space back, but the one night I got him to leave, I tossed all damn night! I can't believe this shit! I had gotten used to him being there, and when he wasn't... I couldn't sleep! This really was stupid. I was a grown man who couldn't sleep without his best friend... who was also a GROWN MAN! Jimin had become like a security blanket. One that wrapped and twisted itself around me. At least he was happy. He never did try anything in all this time, and I was too scared to experiment again after getting so carried away last time.


"MOVIE NIGHT!", Jimin came bounding in and landed on the couch next to me.

Ever since I can remember, we have had this stupid little tradition of watching a movie every Friday night to unwind from the week. It started sometime in school; we were always at each other's houses and would be so stressed out from studying all week, that we'd end up binging several movies long into Friday nights. Now that we were adults, work still brought the stress, so Jimin kept the tradition alive.

"What do you have for us this time?"

"Foreign film. It's in English, do you mind reading subtitles?"

"Ugh... I hate subtitles!"

"It's supposed to be really good! Please!?", damn that puppy face... it seemed to be working on me even more as of late. I was getting soft in my old age.

"Fine, just put it on."

"YES!", he was up in a shot to put it in, messing with the remote to start it up.

"It's not something mushy, is it?"




"Fine! Whatever!"

"You're the best!", he flopped back into the couch and cuddled into my chest with a smile.

He was getting way too comfortable with our current situation. Sleeping together every night was feeding his pretend relationship delusion. If I let this go on for too long, he was really going to be hurt. This is it, Jimin... you can get away with whatever you want tonight, but tomorrow I'm putting a stop to this shit... for your own good. Enjoy it while you can.

I knew it, this movie was a complete chick cryfest... and it was working on Jimin. He was glued to the screen with his arms wrapped around me. Little sniffles kept breaking the silence between quiet scenes. Sensitive little shit... but it made me feel bad. I couldn't shake the urge to protect him from anything that would upset him, not since that night. Ironically, I was the thing hurting him the most. The arm I had on the back of the couch came down to rest along his side, my hand draping over his arm. Fuck you arm, I didn't tell you to do that. Whatever, this is the last night for this crap.

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