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Dream POV

As I took a photo off me and inky I smiled as I took it but when I looked at it I only seen Geno kick reaper in the face .

That's gotta hurt as I keep watching inky only looked puzzled as the show went on.

While the show was still going my brother Nightmare walked up and cuddling into inky I still was watching the two love birds.

Then nightmare yelled out


I watched as there both blushing more and reaper ran after nightmare.

Nightmare POV

I ran off knowing if I don't I'll be dead as I was running away from death I seen abandoned shop and I ran and hide into that as I looked around the shop I hear inky calling for my name I went out and see her as I ran to her and hugged her she giggled.

She saved me from reaper and Geno. As we walked back I noticed that inky was having a panic attack I helped to our room.

After she lay down I noticed she fell asleep I hope everything is alright as I see blue with dust I noticed that blue got pregnant I smiled and said congratulations to them blue blushed as she said thank you.

Dust POV

While holding onto blue I felt like something was wrong I went up to where inky was there I see her asleep she must've had a panic attack about something I plugged in a small nightlight for her.

As I walked out nightmare asked what I was doing in there so I told him about the dream light catcher it keeps bad dreams away. And it'll help her to get more rest she been tired and so have you.

So please M'lord rest.

I pushed him into his room with inky and he just sigh and went to bed.

Dream POV

While I was reading a book I smiled and was thinking off cross I wanted to ask if he would like to come out for a walk with me around town so I got up and left to go find him as I found him training with dust and horror he had his top off and dust and horror was chuckling that I was blushing bright yellow.

Then I heard a scream we all ran to see inky she was having the baby and Nighty ran in and helped with everything that I needed.

After the birth

Congratulations it's a baby girl and a healthy one two.

I gave the baby to inky as Nighty kisses inky as we all watched inky asked horror to name her and he said midnight. We smiled and hugged little midnight.

Inky POV

I was really happy that my brother got to name the baby Nighty also loved the name and hugged us two.

Love you midnight as I started to breastfeeding her the other's didn't mines me breastfeeding midnight it was normal.

She fell asleep and blue smiled at us and said congratulations then solo and Flo walked in killer seen the small baby bones he was blushing and asked Flo if that's how small they can get.

I giggled at this as Flo smiled and grab killer hand and went to sit down and talk about it.

While I noticed my brother and solo I smiled and asked if he wanted to hold her.

I gave horror midnight and solo helped him hold her.

Baby Midnight POV

I looked up at horror and he smiled at me I giggled and looked at solo and I started to giggle as I patted her cheeks she did a funny sound and I laughed.

Then horror did some noises I giggled and then I looked at my father he was so cool I held my arm's out as I wanted daddy as horror gave me to daddy he hugged me.

I smiled at my daddy and cuddling into his face I fell asleep.

Nighty POV

I smiled as midnight fell asleep while hugging my face I kissed her four head and gave her back to inky and she kissed me and I blushed so brightly that my sister laughed at me.

I picked up my beloved and walked away two our room and then I put inky down on our bed as midnight cuddling into her mummy chest I chuckled and pulled up the blanket for the two she calmed down and rested on inky.

Rest well use two and I kissed them both I went to get a book from the bookshelves and grab a book and sat on the bed stretching my legs out.

And I started to read the book on crimes off the old ages.

Dust POV

I rubbed my wife belly as she was humming Dream said she'd be having the two baby soon .

As I keep rubbing her belly the two soul's went to my hand and I started to talk to them.

I can't wait for use two to be here with us and I can't wait to show you the world my angels.

Blue giggled at me and patted my head as she said that she also can't Waite to see them. I was watching blue knitted a baby top as blue asked me if I wanted to try I said in a shy way sure and I grab the two knitting needles and watched how my wife did it then I try it.

It was fun and funny I looked and had did pants for the baby but the other leg was to short then the other me and blue laughed and she help me re do the pants.

Cross POV

Me and dream was watching blue and her husband dust try and knitting for the first time I couldn't help but chuckled dust looked at me and dream he said try and see if u can do it then.

I smirked and said sure and me and dream started I seen that dream was done she knows how to knitting already.

Dust looked at me and smirked I looked down and said I can do this and I started to knitting some small baby shoes but one was to small and the other was a little to big I was blushing with embarrassment as Dream and blue giggled at us.

Horror POV

Solo was helping me with my room it was a mess and I need help to clean it as I was cleaning up my room solo smiled and started to sing while i held her from behind and started to move with her.

While moving in a slow dance I kissed her neck and she lean into me and moan I keep kissing her neck then kissed her on the lips.

I stop because I don't want to force her to do anything that she dose not want to as I smiled she asked why'd I stoped.

Then I told solo that I respected her and that I didn't want to force her in doing anything that she didn't want to do I told her to take time then tell me when she wanted to do it.

She gave me a deep kiss and said thank you love you and I said love you two solo.

Solo POV

I got an amazing BF he didn't want to hurt me and he is going to wait for me to say when I want to do it with him right now I was so shocked then I kissed him and said thank you and he kissed back saying you're welcome. As I said I love you he told me he loved me more I cuddling into him and smiled.

As we where almost done with his room I seen the kitchen it was not that bad then his room I giggled as horror was panicking about the trying to clean up what he could I stoped him and said calm down we got all day and he nodded his head I kissed him as he kissed back.

We did a little more cleaning then left the rest for tomorrow morning we went to his room and fell asleep with I was on his chest cuddling into him.

I love my beloved horror more then anything.

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