Cheese Moon

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Have you ever wondered why people say the moon is made of cheese? Here's the story...

"Nobody is leaving any cheese for me," cried a mouse named Polliestiona. Her nickname was Pollie. "Those humans will regret this!!!" Suddenly the room grew dim and all of the humans were shocked. "THE ALIENS HAVE INVADED!" A human yelled. "No, no. I'm no alien I'm just a mouse with powers." Pollie squeaked. They couldn't understand Pollie because she was a mouse. "To make things worse we have mice!" Exclaimed a different human, pointing to Pollie. Pollie suddenly grew wings and flew out the window. She used her mind to create a rocket ship and she flew to outer space. She then used her powers to turn the moon into cheese. "Much better." Pollie smiled.

The End.

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