Chapter 1: The "Fight"

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A.N. To avoid confusion, I will use Kid Danger's and Captain Man's P.O.V. when Henry and Ray are in uniform. When they are not in uniform, I will use Ray's and Henry's P.O.V. I hope that made sense. I also have no specific length for chapters to be. This one is really short and the next could be really long. Onto the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Henry Danger.
———————————————————————————Kid Danger's P.O.V.
Captain Man and I are at the blood bank, stopping Jeff, which I know won't take that long. He is trying to steal the blood, I guess? I really don't know what he's going to do with that blood. God, he's so stupid!
"Hey, do you guys have another hammer?" He asks after he just broke his third hammer.
"No, Jeff! Why would we? Even if we did, why would we give it to you?" I answer. My brain hurts from how stupid Jeff is.
"Okay, jeez. You don't have to be so mean!" He whines.
"You take him?" Captain Man asks me.
"Yeah. I'll take him." I respond, sounding kind of bored. I walk over to Jeff, ready to zap him with my laser thing. I feel a strong impact on my face before I get the chance to zap Jeff. I fall to the ground, bringing my hand up to my face. Jeff had punched me! I feel some sort of liquid on my glove. I bring my hand down and gasp at the sight of the red liquid on my glove. My lip is bleeding!
"Oh my god!" I hear Captain Man exclaim at the sight of me getting punched in the face.
I get off of the ground, praying that Captain Man did not see that my lip is bleeding.
"Not cool, Jeff." I say through gritted teeth.
"Kid, you alright?" Captain Man asks. Concern is laced in his voice. I think he noticed the tone in my voice. I usually have that tone when I am trying to hide my pain.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I lie. Anyone with a bleeding lip is not fine. He just doesn't know that my lip is bleeding.
"Okay, Jeff. What the heck, man?" I ask.
"I'm tired of getting caught by you two! I clearly can't take down Captain Man since he's indestructible, but I can take you down, Kid Danger!" He says menacingly. "If I take you down, Captain Man falls with you." He continues.
I gasp, knowing that he's right. Captain Man loves me like a brother. If something happens to me, he won't be able to fight properly and would lose for once. I don't waste anymore time and punch Jeff in his stupid face. He didn't fall to the ground like I thought he would a second ago. Instead, he grabs my neck and lifts me off of the ground. It's getting harder to breathe the longer he holds my neck.
"Let him go!" I hear Captain Man shout as everything around me is starting to go black.
"No!" Jeff denies.
"C-Captain Man, I f-feel like I'm going t-to pass out." I stutter. My vision is starting to darken more now.
"Hang in there, Kid. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me, alright?" I hear Captain Man say. His voice noticeably breaks at the thought of me dying.
"O-okay." I stutter.
I suddenly feel the pressure of Jeff's hand gripping my neck go away and instead, I feel a different pain against my back as I hear the sound of glass shattering.
"Kid!" I hear Captain Man yell right before everything goes black.

Captain Man's P.O.V.
My heart stopped at the sight of my sidekick getting thrown through that window. "Kid!" I yell. I zap Jeff with my laser thing until he falls, unconscious. I then jump out of the window Kid Danger was just thrown out of and run over to him.
"Kid, please talk to me." I plead. I grab his wrist and check his pulse. Phew. He's not dead. He is in really bad shape though. There are a few shards of glass stuck in his face, arms, legs, side, and most likely his back, too. I can see a hand mark from where Jeff was gripping his neck. I sigh. How could I have let this happen? "I should've been quicker. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten this hurt." I say to myself.
"I-it wasn't your fault." I gasp at the boy laying in front of me. He's alive!
"Kid! How could you say that this isn't my fault?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"It's not your fault... because it's mine." I gasp at his words.
"What do you mean?" I ask. Surely, he doesn't believe this is his fault, right? Right?!
"It's my fault for being such an awful sidekick." He looks down at the ground to avoid making eye contact with me. How could he think that he's an awful sidekick? He's the best sidekick I've ever had! I need to make sure he knows that! Right now, I just need to focus on the fact that he's alive.
"Come on. Let's get back to the Mancave. We need to get those shards of glass out of your skin." I suggest. He nods in agreement and we make our way back to the Manvan. I can't stop thinking about what he said. 'It's my fault for being such an awful sidekick.' Those words are still replaying through my head. I need to make sure he knows how great of a sidekick he is. I need to talk to him once we get back to the Mancave.

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