Chapter 3: The Tragedy

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Disclaimer: I don't own Henry Danger.
Henry's P.O.V.
Drex is on the loose and he's after me! "He's going to kill me! He knows my identity! He could easily find out where I live and..." I gasp. "...he could hurt my family!" I continue.
"Kid, calm down. We'll catch him before he has the chance to hurt your family." Ray assures me.
"Okay. I need to go home to make sure my family's safe." I say, walking towards the elevator.
"Wait! I'm coming with you! If Drex is at your house, I don't want you to get hurt." Ray says, following me to the elevator.
We walk to my house and I hurriedly open the door and run inside. I drop to the floor on my knees at the sight in front of me. My sister is laying on the floor, not moving, not breathing. I cannot believe Piper is dead. I force myself to get off of the floor and walk upstairs to my parents' bedroom. I open the door and once again, I collapse to the floor on my knees. My dad is also dead, laying on the floor, unmoving. At this point, I completely break down. I lay on the floor, crying. I don't care if Ray sees me like this. I trust him. Now, if it was Jasper or Charlotte, I wouldn't break down like this. I trust Ray more. Is that bad?

Ray's P.O.V.
I feel so bad for Henry. The poor kid just lost two of his family members. It's hard for me to watch Henry, the bravest kid I know, break down on the floor in front of me. I have no idea what to say or feel, other than anger and sympathy. All I can feel is anger towards Drex for hurting Henry and sympathy for said boy. Henry is still crying. Watching Henry cry, makes me want to cry. I've never seen him so upset. I've never even seen him cry! A tear escapes my eye. I turn away slightly so I don't have to watch Henry cry anymore. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and notice that Henry is getting off of the floor. He walks around the room, observing the crime scene. I also walk around the room, occasionally taking a look at Henry to make sure he's okay. I find a piece of paper on the desk and unfold it. It's a not for Henry from Henry's mom. I should read it before I give it to Henry. It reads,
"Dear Henry,
I'm sure you already know that your father and sister are dead. I want you to know that I left you. I can no longer take care of you. Your dad was the one who worked. I'm starting a new life. I have no idea what you're going to do. Bye, Henry.
I gasp. Henry's been abandoned!
"Ray? What did you find?" Henry asks, noticing the paper I am holding. I turn my head away from him as a tear rolls down my face and I hand him the paper. It's silent for way longer than it should take him to read the short note. I turn my head back to look at him. A single tear makes its way down his face.
"What am I going to do?" I hear him whisper to himself.
I pull Henry into a hug and let him cry into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, kid." I say.
"I have no idea how I'm going to survive on my own." He says, still crying.
"You won't be alone, kid. You could stay with Jasper, Charlotte, or... me." I offer.
He pulls away from me and asks, "Really? You'd let me stay with you?"
"Of course, kid! We could turn the guest bedroom into your bedroom. You're too young to be living on your own. I don't want that for you." I answer.
He hugs me and says, "Thank you, Ray. You're the best boss ever."
"I'm not just your boss, Henry. I'm your friend." I say, returning the hug.
"We should get out of here and get back to tracking Drex. I can't believe he killed most of my family." He says. Henry starts walking out of the room and down the stairs. I follow him out of the house and back to the Mancave. I will get revenge on Drex for hurting my sidekick!

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