Chpater 2: The Talk

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Disclaimer: I don't own Henry Danger.
Kid Danger's P.O.V.
Captain Man and I arrive back at the Mancave and go down the tubes. My entire body hurts from getting thrown out of the window.
"Woah! What happened?!" Charlotte asks as soon as she sees me.
"I don't want to talk about it!" I say before giving Captain Man the chance to speak. I'm embarrassed about what happened and I think Captain Man knows this. I just got beat up by JEFF, of all people! The stupidest criminal in Swellview nearly killed me! Captain Man and I both pop a gumball in our mouths and blow a bubble, changing back into our civilian forms.

Henry's P.O.V.
"Can we just work on getting this glass out of his skin?" Ray asks, clearly concerned.
"Right." Schwoz remembers. "Come over here and sit on the couch." He demands. I walk over and sit on the couch as Schwoz takes out a pair of tweezers and starts to remove the glass from my skin. To my surprise, it doesn't even hurt and it isn't taking very long. There's only one shard of glass left and... it's out!
"Henry, can I talk to you? Alone?" Ray asks. Upon hearing this, Charlotte and Schwoz leave the room. Gulp. He's going to fire me. I can feel it. He thinks I'm a loser and a terrible sidekick. Oh no.

Ray's P.O.V.
"You're going to fire me, aren't you?" Henry asks.
"No! Why would I fire you?!" I ask, slightly offended that he asked that.
"I can't even take down JEFF by myself! I'm a terrible sidekick. That's a reason." He answers, tears in his eyes.
"Henry, I wanted to talk to you about what you said after you got thrown through that window." I say, sitting down on the couch next to Henry as he turns to face me.
"What about it?" He asks.
"You are not an awful sidekick. You're the best sidekick I've ever had. I know I can trust you and you're a good fighter. Remember the time we had to trick the Wall Dogs into thinking that you turned on me?" I ask.
"Yeah. Veronika told me to meet her under the Swellview sign and to come alone. I originally wasn't going to tell you, but then, I felt bad, so I told you." He remembers.
"Exactly. I know I can trust you. That was some great acting by the way." I compliment.
"Thanks." He says.
The power suddenly goes out in the Mancave. I hear something and it sounds like it's coming from the storage room.
"Do you hear that?" Henry asks. I guess he heard it, too.
"Yeah. It sounds like it's coming from the storage room." I inform.
Henry and I cautiously walk over to the tubes and go down to the storage room. We walk around, looking for the source of the sound we heard. My heart drops when I hear a scream. I know that scream. Henry!
The power comes back on and I walk around the room. I see the thing that we put Drex in when Henry defeated him. The scary thing is: Drex is gone! The even scarier thing is: Henry isn't here either!
"Henry?!" I yell, frantically searching for my young sidekick.
"I'm right here." I hear Henry say. I turn around and Henry is standing there, completely fine. I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Then, who screamed?" I ask.
"Oh. That was me. Someone grabbed my wrist and tried to kidnap me. I turned around and punched them. I don't know who it was, but it definitely wasn't you." He says. I gasp. Drex! He tried to hurt Henry!
"Kid, don't freak out..." I say, trying to keep him calm for what I'm about to tell him.
"...but?" He urges me to continue.
"When they power went out, Drex was able to escape." I finish.
He's silent for a few seconds before he yells, "WHAT?!"
Yep, that totally went well.

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