bts reactions • when you're sick

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♡ he goes out and buys you stuffed animals
acts like you're gonna die
plays lots of video games with you
sleeps by your side
♡ buys you lots of candy

♡ he goes out and buys you stuffed animals♡acts like you're gonna die♡plays lots of video games with you♡sleeps by your side♡ buys you lots of candy

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♡ tries to cook for you but ends up burning everything
♡ orders takeout instead
♡ buys you a giant stuffed teddy bear
♡ sings for you
♡ cuddles you and kisses you even if he might get sick
♡ in the end, you're actually taking care of him

♡ tries to cook for you but ends up burning everything♡ orders takeout instead ♡ buys you a giant stuffed teddy bear♡ sings for you♡ cuddles you and kisses you even if he might get sick ♡ in the end, you're actually taking care of him

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wraps you up in many blankets to the point you're a human water fountain
shows you lots of pictures of the other members sleeping
let's you watch whatever you want to
makes your favorite food
talks about the future with you
lots of kisses and cuddles and medicine

♡ wraps you up in many blankets to the point you're a human water fountain ♡ shows you lots of pictures of the other members sleeping♡ let's you watch whatever you want to♡ makes your favorite food♡ talks about the future with you♡ lots of kisses ...

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♡ are jin's jokes to tell you
♡ watches romantic movies with you 24/7
♡ steals yeontan so you can cuddle with him
♡ gets you lots of sweets
♡ tells you constantly how much he loves you and wishes he could take any pain away

♡ are jin's jokes to tell you♡ watches romantic movies with you 24/7♡ steals yeontan so you can cuddle with him♡ gets you lots of sweets♡ tells you constantly how much he loves you and wishes he could take any pain away

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♡ a ccidentally breaks your things
♡ buys you flowers
♡ begs jin to cook for you
♡ constantly checks on you
♡ tucks you in properly if you fall asleep

♡ a ccidentally breaks your things♡ buys you flowers ♡ begs jin to cook for you♡ constantly checks on you♡ tucks you in properly if you fall asleep

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♡ sleeps by your side
♡ let's you have the blankets
♡ frequently offers you tissues
♡ let's you hold onto his arm
♡ buys you stuffed animals
♡ eats lots of instant ramen


♡ cooks yummy food for you
♡ hugs you constantly
♡ makes you take medicine
♡ makes sure the room stays clean
♡ makes the others leave you alone
♡ tells you lots of dad jokes

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