12 - Drunk on you

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"Baby, you're a song. You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise!" I dance around his carpeted living room, in only my socks.

"Dear, God, turn that shit off!" Adrian complains from his seat on the couch. In his hand is a beer.
He's only wearing a pair of sweatpants, which
I am pretty sure was done on purpose.

Oh, don't even act like you're not loving it.

Adrian was stuck babysitting me after he had taken me to the hospital. His parents had to go
to work. A foreign concept to my bitch of a birth giver. My mom hadn't worked a day in her life.

Growing up with rich parents had prevented her from enduring what was referred to as a career. Dad, however, didn't have rich ass parents, so he had to spend long hours at fast food restaurants in the summer. He didn't mind, though. He told me that hard work never hurt anyone when I had put up a fight over mowing the lawn during the summer months.

He said that he wasn't raising his children to be lazy rich kids that downed their cocktails in the back of their parents' limousines. Basically, he was calling out all his in-laws on their shit. In all honesty, I wasn't as pampered as my mother was.

Although I wasn't living in a cardboard box, I was not laughing my ass off when my friends ditch my offers of shopping due to their lack of money. In no ways was I that cruel. I had no problem with dating a guy that wasn't dripping in Ralph Lauren, unlike my mom, who refused to associate herself with Emerson's mom, Lisa, after her husband left her and their three year old. I had to admit, that was a dick move on my mom's part.

But, hey, so was marrying my father because she knew his wallet would be filled with hundred dollar bills by the age of 24.

"Yeah, when I first saw that bikini top on her, she's poppin' right out the South Georgia Water. Thought, oh, good Lord, she had them long tanned legs."

"Jesus, Carter, why are you trying to kill me?" He drawled out his Italian accent. He was most definitely trying to kill me. I swept over his mouth-watering chest with my eyes. Holy hell.
He downed what was left of his beer can in one gulp, and gave me a knowing smirk. His icy blue eyes twinkle with mischief.

Much like our encounter, almost a month ago, my cheeks heated up in embarrassment. God, he should have came with a warning sign. I wonder if he has "Warning: Contents are very hot. Proceed with caution" written on his birth certificate.

Because, damn, he definitely should.

He takes a step closer to me, and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. Whatever I was feeling right now was because of the tequila that Adrian had found in his dad's liquor cabinet. According to the devil himself, his dad pours himself a glass at the end of a hard day at the station, and kicks back in the recliner.

Taking the tequila felt wrong, but he assured me that he did it all the time, sometimes with his dad's knowledge. I would never steal my parents' liquor, but I guess that's the difference between Adrian and I. I'm classified as a good girl, and he's quite the opposite. He's not good or a girl.

At least, I'm assuming he's not. Or I'm secretly bisexual, and I never knew it. Anyway, because of the achocol coursing through my veins, I was very tempted to kiss the guy with a devilish grin until I pass out. According to the majority of the guys I have dated, I am quite skilled in that department. Not that I tell everyone that. I don't want creepy men showing up on my doorstep asking for a kiss.

"You smell like tequila, Carter, have you been drinking?" He gives me a smirk identical to that of the devil's. You know, guys, if all of the guys in hell look like this, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life there. Screw, Heaven, guys in hell are better.

I scoff, attempting to hide the smile threatening to form on my lips. "Go to hell, Adrian."

"Carter, I can't go home, until I'm done with you," he laughs, a devilish grin on his lips. He really was the devil himself, but that just made him hotter. Because, if we're being honest, good boys aren't that hot. You know what they say. Good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. Okay, I heard that in the Fifty Shades Darker  soundtrack, but that's not the point. Yes, I'm fine. No, I do not need therapy. Well, on second thought, put me down, anyway. I could benefit from a guy in his fifties reminding me of all my faults.

Okay, I need to stop referring to Adrian as the devil himself. He delivered a pretty damn good punch. I'll give him that. Not to mention the fact that his six-pack is more defined than my future.

My back hits the wall, and I meet his blue-eyed gaze. I hear the sound of his heartbeat, and I'm pretty sure he can hear mine, too, even though I'm wearing a shirt. Much to my dismay, his lips curl up into a smirk.

At this very moment, "Drunk on you" starts playing in my head. Maybe Adrian is right. I might need to rethink my taste in music. Maybe, just maybe, I should refrain from singing along to the country station in my dad's Mercedes. In my defense, it's the only station he listens to. I tried to play Hot 96, but he wouldn't let me. He told me that the driver picks the station. After that, I decided that I was just going to enjoy the crap that he plays on the radio.

Deep in my thoughts, I had forgotten about the bad boy, who was just inches away from me. I'm not complaining, however, I enjoy his company, even if his bare chest is on full display. I'm forcing myself to keep my eyes on him, instead of.... you know where. For a second, I thought he was hell bent on kissing me, and I'd be lying if I told you that my heart wasn't about to leap out of my chest.

But, instead, he threw me a smirk, and told me he was going to take a shower. I'd be lying if I said I was okay with his decisions, and my mom didn't raise a liar. Well, in all honesty, my mom didn't raise me at all.

Y'all having a good day? I'll have you know that my day is going pretty well, at the moment, but my next class is Chemistry. It'd be really appreciated if you'd pray for me.

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. It seems that Aurora is a bit thirsty, huh? What did you like the most, and what did you like the least? Favorite character so far? Least favorite? If I'm being honest, my favorite is Adrian, and my least favorite is Chelsea.

Like, come on, girl, you didn't have to do Nick like that. Sammuel is a close second on my list of least favorite, out of the adults at least. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Hope to see you next chapter.

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