10 - Oh, hell no.

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I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. I know what you're thinking, and you better stop thinking it.

When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to find myself in an unfamiliar place. My heartbeat quickened at the thought of what might have happened.

"Oh, good, you're awake." At the sound of a voice I didn't recognize, I began to panic. Where the hell was I? I don't remember drinking, so I couldn't have done anything stupid.

Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have to be drunk to do something stupid. I can very well be sober. But, from what I can remember, I didn't commit any acts of stupidity.

I blinked at the woman who was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had dirty blonde hair that reached her shoulders, and light brown eyes that held so much warmth. I've never met her, but I can already tell she's a mom. A way better one than mine. She handed me a mug of hot chocolate, which I gladly accepted.

"I'm Laura. Laura Miller, and from what I've heard, you've met my husband." She gave me a grin, "You also seem to be familiar with my son, judging from the way he blushed earlier when Vincent said your name."

Wait, what?

Adrian blushed at the sound of my name?

Why am I smiling right now?

Oh, God, she probably assumes I'm one of his bed buddies.

"Um, I'm Aurora Carter. Why am I here?" I asked in a small whisper. I might sound like a coward at the moment, but I didn't really care. It felt weird to be in Adrian's house carrying on a conversation with his mom.

"There's no easy way to put this, sweetheart," she pauses, "you were knocked out by your brother. We called your dad, but he didn't answer his phone. So we brought you here to see if you had a concussion. Now that you're awake, we can take you to the doctors, and confirm if you're okay. If you want, we can pick you up some breakfast on the way. Who would you like to ride with? If you're not comfortable with us, Adrian can take you."

This was too much to process. I can't believe Aspen hit me hard enough to knock me out. He's never done that before. Why isn't dad answering his phone? He's a neurosurgeon and always answers his calls, in case he has a dying patient. I still had to come to terms with the fact that I'm in, what I assume is a guest room, of a guy I had hated for years.

But you don't hate him anymore.

"I guess Adrian can take me," I breathed out.

She nodded. "Whatever makes you the most comfortable. I'll tell Adrian to get his ass out of the shower, so he can take you."

I laughed. Once I had put on the clothes she had left me, I stepped out of the guest room and ventured farther into Adrian's house. I tried to tell myself that snooping was most definitely wrong, but curiosity maintained its grasp on my thoughts. I pushed open a door that was already cracked, which was going to be my excuse when I'm caught.

Bare walls the color of navy blue greet me when I walk in. A perfectly made king bed sits in the middle of the room. A black and white checkered duvet covers the bed. A wooden desk is placed at the edge of the bedroom. Lining the desk are framed pictures. In most pictures is a woman with black curls, and the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"What the hell are you doing in my room, Aurora?" I quickly turn around to face him. Anger clouds his icy blue eyes that I have grown to like. The usual mischief has evaporated. I back up until I hit the desk.

To say I am scared would be an understatement. I have no idea what he's capable of. I close my eyes, in anticipation of the hit, but it never comes.

When I open my eyes, he stares at me. "Did you think I was going to hit you?" Like a cloud of smoke, his anger has vanished, and voice is replaced with concern.

"Well, you see, Adrian, when you're knocked out at the hands of your own brother, you anticipate being hit," I mutter under my breath as if he couldn't hear me.

"Well, I promise that I won't hit you. I'd never be that much of an asshole that I'd hit my own damn sister," he breathes out, his breath warm against my skin.

Oh, God. Why does his voice have such an effect on me? It sounds like snow flurries pelting onto the ground.

Wow, Aurora, back the fuck up a minute.

He pulls a black sweater over his head, which he looks super hot in, and lightly pushes me out of his bedroom. His fingertips graze the thin fabric of my shirt. Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks, and raises his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I ask him. Oh, damn, was I staring at his lips? I have to stop doing that.

“You’re gonna freeze, Carter,” he murmurs, the nickname he gave me falling off his tongue so effortlessly, almost as if he had rehearsed it. What made it even hotter was the hint of the Italian accent in his voice. 

Okay, we get it, Aurora, you have an obsession with his accent. 

“No, I’m not,” I tell him as sternly as I can, but my body fails me when I shiver. Well, fuck.

He gives me a knowing smirk before handing me a hoodie. Reluctantly, I pull it over my head, and breathe in his scent. The mixture of mint and cigarettes linger on the sweatshirt. Well, that’s not creepy at all…..

I avert my gaze to the window of his truck to avoid staring at him. But I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t stealing glances at him when he wasn’t looking. His tattooed arm hung casually by the window and his other arm was on the steering wheel. His gaze was trained on the road, like any sane person that was driving. I don’t know about you, but I am not looking to die today. Maybe tomorrow, though. 

“It’s rude to stare, you know,” he told me. I almost died just then. On my tombstone, it will read, “I was caught staring at a guy who could be a Calvin Klein model.” I’m not even lying, though. 

“I’m so sorry, Aurora.” I blinked at the guy I had once referred to as my brother. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His dark hair was disheveled, and he had bags beneath his eyes. I’m pretty sure he hadn’t fallen asleep last night. I, on the other hand, slept perfectly. Realizing I wasn’t going to answer, he continued with his speech that made me want to sleep until Christmas. “I was up all night replaying what I had done in my head. I was beyond drunk and I wasn’t thinking.”

“Damn straight,” Adrian voiced his opinion. 

“Okay, who are you?” Aspen asked, irritation in his voice. 

“A guy who would never do what you did to their own sister. You’re a bastard, you know that. I don’t care how much alcohol you have drunk. No decent human being would do that.” 

Aspen tried to lunge at him. 

Keyword: tried

He was on the ground before his fist was able to collide with his face. Aspen groaned in agony, “what the actual hell, man?"

“Oh, shut up,” Adrian said and delivered another punch. He deserved it, though. 
Okay, y'all, I'm sure this is a lot to process, and I can totally understand that. I just sort of typed whatever came to my mind on a Google Doc, with no correlation of where I was taking it. I just kept writing until I found the place where I wanted to end it. A lot happens in this chapter, that's for sure.

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