Sorta funny Imagine

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You and justin where on the Road headed to New York all the way from Florida for a nice Vacation. But, you think you guys are lost...

You held the huge map in your hands twisting and turning it, trying to find where the hell you guys are. "UGH! How do you even use this thing?!" Justin Chuckles while keeping his eyes on the road.You Turn to him giving him a annoying look. "And what are you laughing at? we are lost justin". He shakes his head with a smile. "Babe, just relax. Everything is gonna be fine." You are starting to get frustrated. How can he be so calm. You guys are practically in the middle of no where. The map is no use and the car is running low on gas. You are about to flip any second. 

"Calm down? Justin, did you even look at the map?" he giggles. "No.." 
"How are you so calm in all of this? Aren't you a tad bit worried?"
He shook his head from side to side "Nope." You shake your head in frustration. You lean your head on the door and drift off into a long nap....

Few Hours Later

"Uhm.. babe?" You hear justin waking you up. "Mmmm?" Your eyes peel open up to your adorable Boyfriend looking at you "yeah?" you ask. He scratches the back of his neck like he does when he's nervous. "uh well before..i say anything. Promise me you won't be mad." You raise your eyebrow. "And why would i be mad?"
He chuckles nervously. "Um.. well... we.. might be out gas.." You face palm. "Babe?" Justin starts to poke your shoulder. "(Y/N), you're not mad right?" You don't answer. 
"Babyyyyyyyyyyy please don't be mad at me."
"Ugh i'm not mad justin!" 

He looks at you Obviously not convinced. "Yeah you are!" 
"No. I'm not." You fold your arms childishly and turn away. 
Justin starts to tickle your sides. You start to uncontrollably and gasps for air. "Justin!!  Stoppp! I- I can't!"
"Not until you tell me you love me" he winks at you and keeps tickling and tickling and tickling you until you surrender. "Okay. Okay! I Love You Justin Bieber!" he stops. "That's what i tought." 
You roll your eyes and look at your dork of a  boyfriend "Yeah Yeah Whatever." 

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now