Newlywed Bliss

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Justin’s POV

“What should we do today? It’s our first day off in forever.” Cydney sat down on the couch beside me. 

“I could just sit here and stare at your face all day, Mrs. Bieber.” I smiled at Cydney, putting my arm around her. It had been two weeks since our wedding, but I still loved the sound of it.

“Call me that again.” I knew she was just as infatuated with the ring of it.

“Mrs. Bieber.” I kissed her cheek lightly.

“Again.” She requested.

“Mrs. Bieber.” I whispered again, this time placing a kiss on her forehead.

“One more time?” She teased me.

“Mrs. Bieber.” I said, this time placing the kiss on her lips. 

“This is never going to get old.” She laughed, kissing me back.

Cydney’s POV

“Honestly, aren’t you two out of the honeymoon phase? I’m sick of this.” Ryan and Fredo laughed as they walked into our house.

“Maybe you should consider knocking once in a while!” Justin threw a pillow at them.

“No need to get angry. We just wanted to see what you were doing with your day off. Want to play golf or something?”

“Guys. I’ve only been married for three weeks! I’m still in the honeymoon phase! Which means I can’t keep my hands off of my bride. So no, I don’t want to golf. I’m going to sit here and enjoy my wife.” Justin smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Peace out, bro.” Ryan laughed.

“Yeah, we don’t really want to be around this when it’s not forced. Later, kid.” Fredo shut the door on their way out.

“What are we going to do with those two?” I laughed. Even though Justin looked a little upset, I was laughing at it. Alfredo and Ryan were constantly putting an extra dose of comedy in our lives. 

“We’re going to start locking our front door so they can’t get in and ruin the mood.” Justin was still acting like he was upset.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the mood is ruined.” I kissed his lips softly. 

“Are we about to have afternoon sex? Because that’s my favorite. Right behind morning sex.” He laughed.

“Is that how you want to spend our day?” I yawned. Since the wedding, we hadn’t really been sleeping at night. We were much to preoccupied with each other.

“How about we watch a movie first?” He suggested. I nodded, thinking that sounded good. He got up and put a movie in, without asking for my input. I wasn’t even surprised when The Titanic started playing. He knew it was one of my favorites.

“Alright, Mrs. Bieber, come here and cuddle with your husband.” He laughed as he laid down on the couch. I laid down beside him, feeling his arm wrap around my stomach and pull my body even closer to his. 

Justin’s POV

By the time I woke up, it was dark outside. I didn’t move, since Cydney was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I didn’t want to wake her, since I knew she was tired. I was tired, but I didn’t care. The last three weeks had been wonderful.

“Did we really sleep away our whole day off?” She yawned an hour later. “You should’ve woken me up.” She said, realizing I had been awake for a while. “We were going to have a great day!”

“We did have a great day. We spent the day cuddling and watching your favorite movie.” I laughed. “What about if we order pizza or something for dinner? Let’s continue our lazy day trend.”

“That sounds good.” She smiled.

Cydney’s POV

“I can’t eat another bite.” I set my half-eaten piece of pizza back in the box. We hadn’t even bothered to get out plates or silverware. We sat on the couch and indulged in each other’s company while we ate our pizza.

“Don’t. Let’s do something a little more fun.” Justin winked. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I couldn’t wait to find out. “Come on.” He got up and reached for my hand, pulling me off the couch. 

He led me into our bedroom. I expected him to stop, but he just kept walking. He walked into our bathroom and stopped.

“How about a nice, steamy, bath to finish this awesome day off?” He winked, turning on the hot water. Once he had it running, he turned his attention back to me, placing a kiss on my lips before he reached to pull of my tank top, leaving me half naked. I shimmied out of my shorts as he undressed himself. We both stepped into the steaming water at the same time. 

I sat on one side, while he sat down on the other. We stared into each other’s eyes, waiting to see who would make the first move. 

“I can’t just sit here and stare at my beautiful wife when she’s looking so hot, and naked.” Justin gave in, laughing. He leaned in and kissed me. “I love you, Mrs. Bieber.”

“And I love you, Mr. Bieber.”

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