Thank You/Explaining

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So I'd like to thank all who will read this.  And I hope that you enjoyed reading it just as I enjoyed writing it.

I really enjoyed writing this story.  I cried a few times since some parts got to me.  And I just got into it.  I had to stop and think of myself as if I was in that position, what would I feel.  And I did end up crying in some parts because I imagined myself in that position.  Imagined myself experiencing what Tsuna did.  Imagined myself as Nana when she read the letter.  I tried my best to put as much feeling as possible into this.  SO, I'm really thankful for anyone who reads this.  It means a lot to me.  And I really hope that it resides within you, and you can find a deeper meaning to this just as I did.

I really hope you liked it, and once again thank you for reading.  Even though it was short, thank you.  And even though my writing sucks big time, thank you for reading.

I got too emotionally involved with the story.  And just typing this is making me nervous, especially since I don't know how you guys will react to reading this.  My hands are literally shaking, and I'm even questioning myself why I'm doing this.  I guess I'm scared of the reaction.  Since this is the first time I put something so deep on any of my work from what I can remember.

And it didn't help that I was listening to some sad sounding music.  So I got even more emotional.


Anyways, here I will be explaining a bit of why I decided to write this.  It's more like a reminder to all those who read it.  I guess, and to also tell you how lucky you are that you have this if you do.  And also because I liked the idea, and as I was writing this, I began to think further into a deeper meaning of this.

In the summary I put that a mother's love for their children is bottomless, and endless love.  But that in some cases some mothers don't care or love their children. This will get seriously deep in a moment.  I'm sorry for that.  But I had to put this here.  It's a reminder to some and to remind myself as well.

I have been told before, "She makes me mad, and cry.  And says such horrible things to me and her father.  But I can never hate her.  Even though she does and says things, she's my child, my flesh and blood, and I love her." That is an unconditional love.  A love where you love and know that there is nothing to gain for loving.

Loving with no strings attached of a catch, an unconditional love.

A conditional love would be one that if you love someone, you know you'll receive something in return for the love.

Some children grow up not knowing what unconditional love of a parent is.  What it means to love and be loved.

So I want to remind you all that some of us are really lucky to have the love of both parents or even one parent.  Please cherish that, because when it's gone there is no turning back.  Fortunately I have both my parents, both living.  Or maybe your grandparents.

I'm not a mother, so I don't know what it means to have a child, what a mother's love is.  But I wish it to be an unconditional one for any children I may have in the future if I have any that is.

I wrote this because I wanted to show more of what I think Nana would have been rather than how she was in the anime and manga, not that I have a problem with that.  But I just wanted to show that affection that wasn't shown.  This was my original idea, but then like I mentioned before, I started to think deeper into this as I began writing it.

I had something else typed here, but it was to deep, and I think it would have been a serious trigger for some or maybe even offended someone.  So I changed it, and kept it like this.

Thank you for reading, and I apologize for this and if it offended you in any way.  Or if this really touched a part of you that you wished to have kept locked, I'm sorry for that.  I'm deeply sorry.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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