Chapter 7

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"Scotty! Shanna! Are you guys ever going to be ready?" Chris shouted up the stairs at their mother's house.

"There could be cute guys at this club! I need to look good!" Shanna yelled back.

Chris looked down at his watch, groaning before shouting back, "Well Charlie is waiting for us so hurry up!"

Just then, Scott's head appeared poking out of the room that was at the top of the stairs so he could look at his brother. Scott smirked before asking, "Worried that she's at the club alone and some hot guy will pick her up before we get there?"

Chris just rolled his eyes and sassed his brother, "Um no, I'm just trying not to be a douchebag of a friend who invites someone and then is like a half hour late."

"I already texted Charlie and told her we'd be late because I need to look hot too," Scott replied before disappearing into the room where he and his sister were getting ready.

With another roll of his eyes, Chris turned to walk over and plop down on the couch in the living room next to his mother while he quickly fired off a text to Charlie.

'If I just left without Scott and Shan, do you think they'd notice?'

A moment later three little dots appeared before a message on his phone came up with the laughing face emoji followed by, 'Well I already scoped out the perfect guy for Scott and just saw another cute one for Shanna so I don't think either would forgive you for ditching them.'

Chris didn't know it, but his simple response of 'Well damn' had Charlie laughing as she sat at the bar. He quickly sent her another text saying, 'I really am sorry for being so late, Charlie'

'No need to apologize, I'm totally fine! I'll find someone to dance with until you guys get here' Charlie responded with.

As Chris' blue eyes gazed over the text, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit jealous. The thought of someone's hands all over those delicious hips as she danced and her dark curls whipped around made him grit his teeth a bit. Another ding on his phone made him look down but his eyebrows knit together in confusion when he read it.

"That's not a very happy expression," Lisa laughed as she looked over at her son while he read his phone. "What did Charlie text you?"

"It wasn't Charlie who texted me..." He trailed off. "It was Jenny."

Lisa's eyebrows rose, "Jenny? I thought you hadn't really talked to her much since you broke up last year."

"I haven't talked to her but she just texted me and all it says is 'Hey, I was thinking about you' and that's all," Chris informed his mother.

Lisa turned her body on the couch so she could face her son, watching as he rubbed a hand on his bearded chin and stared at the words on his phone. She pressed her lips together while observing before finally stating, "I can tell you're thinking something. Are you going to respond to her text?"

He softly chuckled, knowing his mother could see right through him and replied, "I'm... not sure. I mean, I thought it was completely over with the way it ended, but we did get back together once. Maybe I should respond and see how it goes."

Lisa didn't say anything but Chris knew that look in her eyes and asked, "What?"

"You really want to know?" Her eyebrow shot up just the same way Chris' did. "I mean that seriously, do you really want me to be honest?"

Chris looked straight into his mother's eyes, telling her, "I really do, Ma."

"Okay then," She nodded before easing into the conversation by saying, "You want a girl you can share your life with and have a deep relationship with but you keep looking in the wrong places."

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