Being Blind

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*Sighing loudly* You know what sucks?

Worse than walking up stairs

Yup not being able to see far away.I'll be more descriptive for people who have perfect eye vison.*cough*dooche*cough* hehe jk

Ehm that was me clearing my voice Imagine you can see everything clearly then a second later there's a lot of fog

Then someone pulls your eyes to make you look Chinese(no offense)

Yup just like that

I can't see the board in most of classes that's why I sit in the front

(still can't see)

So you know what that means for me?

Yes my favorite sport(please note sarcasm)


Yep it mostly of me almost closing my eyes and opening them trying to see the words on the board

I think my teachers purposely try and write on the board in the smallest and sloppiest hand writing with the lightest color of marker. -_-

There's 6 stages of me squinting

Stage One: Squinting for 3 minutes

Stage Dos:Looking around lost

Stage Tree:Looking at my paper and sighing really loud

Stage 4: Going up to the board and squint really hard

Stage Cinq:(OPTIONAL)Give up and ask person next to me because I'm tired of going back and forth to the bored(if I'm not a wuss that day)

Stage Six:REPEAT

Or when everyone is looking at something in a tree and they're like "MAYRAAA LOOK THAT'S SO COOL"I squint and say "ohhhh yeah that's cool" then look away

But they always end up telling me what it is because they find out I wasn't really looking.

How about when your friend says look at that and its something in my range of "can't see" and like what and they say thattt and you're just poker facing it(sometimes I don't know how my teachers or peers look unless I get in their face to talk I know sad ,sigh with me*sighhhh*)

Or when you first meet someone and they point something out and you have to explain you can't see then they hold up 4 fingers and ask "can you see that" and I have to stop myself from walking away and never talking to them again(instead I hurt them in my mind) so I go into detail about what I can and can't see

Now to the good question why don't I get glasses?

Great questions young grasshopper but I did 3 pair too!!!

Sadly they all broke because of the little tiny destoyer in my house MY NEPHEW

Hehe I bet your asking OK how about contacts?

This is another sigh worthy answer

If I touch my eye or anything come close to it then I start blinking and my eyes water and I have no control.


Do you have trouble seeing far away?

Join me and no one else TEAM BLIND SQUAD

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