It wasn't me!

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I watched the sunrise through the window, the night had been uneventful which was good I guess.

I walked over to Atem's coffin tapping the surface, I watched as the lid opened and he got up looking fully rested.

"I'm gonna go on a walk"

He rubbed his eyes looking at me surprised, well he probably is, I'm not a morning person.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and went out the door, deciding to clear my head, out of the both of us Atem was more of the romantic.

I knew leaving ment Atem had more of a chance to make Y/N fall for him but I needed to leave, staying in a house 24/7 was not good.

I heard a branch break behind me and I turned around to be face to face with a stranger with blue eyes and a rather simple hairstyle compared to my own.

I kept my guard up even though he looked pretty harmless, he smelled like.....human.

"Can I help you?"

He walked towards me, the dirt shifting under him filling the void of silence.

"Actually yes"

He smirked and suddenly I felt a shock on the side of my stomach paralyzing me as I watched him grab a rock hitting me with it until I could only see black.

I woke up strapped to a bed the only part of my body that was loose was my neck, I looked around and saw many computers around, one had what looked like a strand of DNA.

"So you're awake"

I looked over to see the man at a desk with a smaller computer, he got up, turned around and looked at me coldly.

"You vampires are a nuisance if I didn't need you, you would already be dead"

My blood was boiling, who did he think he was talking to me like that I saw him open a briefcase with several tools, I decided to make conversation to delay whatever he was going to do.

"What do you need us for then"

"I need your immortality gene💢"

"Why is that?"

"For my brother"

He mumbled the last part but I heard loud and clear, he wanted his brother to be immortal...than why not make him a vampire?

"You can't just take a gene from us, he's human he'll die. If you tell me why you need our genes I can probably help"

He looked at me hesitantly and turned around to face the computer, while he was distracted I was able to gather my energy and use my black magic to break the metal band that confined my wrist.

I use my newfound freedom to use my black magic, shooting small black lasers, destroying the metal that held me, prisoner.

By the time he turned around I was already gathering my magic to attack him, but every time I would shoot at him he would dodge, using a computer or desk as a shield.

He ran over to the door pressing a bright red button, suddenly I saw several lights above and below me forming a circular shape.

I watched as the lights above me connected with the one below, I soon realized that this was a laser prison, it was made of artificial sunlight, but it would still render my powers useless.

I was very angry, I wanted to help him but it was beginning to seem pointless.

"I won't fall for any of your tricks, you murderer!"

"I haven't killed anybody!"


I saw him put a picture on the biggest monitor, I saw a small child in an incubator with many wires and tubes attached.

"You vampires did this to him!"

"I don't even know who you are!"

He stepped closer to me, the light from the lasers illuminating his face, a sudden realization washed over me and I realized that he was the Seto Kaiba.

"You destroyed my company and almost killed my brother, ring any bells?"

I suddenly remembered Atem telling me that a new gaming company was brought to America and he knew it wasn't going to last long, he was right a few days later we were invited to pillage the town, we refused since we weren't into that but we heard it was a success.

"I wasn't apart of that"

"I'm not going to believe anything you say, it's meaningless just like you that's why I killed most of you, once I get what I need the rest or you will perish"

The only person who could help me now was Atem but I wouldn't mine Y/N's help either.

She belongs...TO MEWhere stories live. Discover now