Chapter 33

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Waking up, I almost forget where I'm at...I feel warmth next to me. Looking over I see a slim frame wrapped around me with a mass of long dark hair. I honestly thought it was some type of dream but no, she's here with me. Brushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear I take the time to study her. Her frame is leaner, more muscular but still feminine...I can see a few small light scars marring her beautiful skin. I frown slightly as I recall her telling me of her 'training' while in Javiers' care.

The idea of my Alana, a sweet innocent virgin when I met her, now a provocative sniper..blows my mind really. Just being here with her the ache that had settled into my chest over the last year is gone and while my body and heart want to hold on to her and make up for lost time, my mind knows we need to come up with a plan. We have the element of surprise in this moment and we can use that against Javier.

Grabbing my phone off the bedside I pull up Reds message thread:

Me: Found Alana, the threat we were looking into is Javier...we need to finish this

Even though its 3 in the morning in instantly feel my phone vibrate with a response

Boss: She with us?

Looking over at her I don't even have to ask her, I can feel her love even after all this time. She left to protect us and now that we have gained the upper hand it's time to act.

Me: Yes

Boss: Regroup in the morning...we finish this.

Business done I turn my attention back to Alana, running my hand up her arm making small goosebumps appear as she slowly begins to stir. I move my hand lower and begin lightly running it up her thigh....I hope she's ready because I don't plan on sleeping much tonight.

Alanas POV

Waking up the next morning Alana stretched out, her body aching from the night she spent with Jamie but she relished it. Looking around she saw that Jamie was no longer next to her, sitting up she instantly smelled fresh coffee and smiled. She threw his T-shirt on and padded out of the room.

Jamie was in the small kitchenette preparing eggs and toast while the coffee brewed, she walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his middle. "Good morning beautiful, I figured you may be hungry after our escapades last night..and of course your much needed morning coffee." He turned to look at her with a mischievous grin.

Playfully swatting at his back she laughed and moved to pour herself a mug of coffee then settling down at the small table. Jamie brought over their plates and settled in across from her. "We need to make a plan Alana...there is no way I am letting you go again and Red agrees. We need to end this."

He was right...of course. It took everything in her to leave Jamie once and she knew she did not have the willpower to do it again. "What are you proposing Jamie?" Looking up at him, whatever it was she would do it. She would do anything to live that dream she had let go of a year ago. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and her head snapped toward the door.

"My team is here Alana, may wanna go put some pants on." Jamie winked at her before heading to let the team in. As she headed into the room to put her pants on she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, would they hate her for her decision? Could they trust her knowing she had worked with Javier for the last year?

Walking back out of the room she was surprised when she felt multiple pairs of arms envelope her. As she was released she looked around at the faces of Aiden, Jackson, Noah, Elijah, and Liam. Jamie and Red were leaning against the door, smiles on their faces over the little reunion that was happening. My worry over them hating me or distrusting me vanished and I couldn't help but grin at them all.

Walking past them I went to Red, he looked over me for a moment before surprising everyone by pulling me into a hug. "We missed you, Alana." Releasing me he moved to sit at the small table before facing us all. "Alana we all know why you left, and while we appreciate your selflessness we disagree with your method. You belong with Jamie, which means you belong to this family...with us. If you're up for it we propose you help us take down Javier once and for all."

Looking around the room, the feeling of home and family that I had deprived myself of returned. Jamie came to stand in front of me, cupping my cheek in his hand. "I can't lose you again baby, you can be as involved or non-involved as you feel comfortable with. Please." Looking into Jamie's pleading blue eyes, I melted. I would literally do anything for this man.

"You don't need to ask me twice Jamie, I never stopped loving you...or this family." I state looking around the room at everyone. Grins broke out around the room and it was contagious. "What's the plan you guys, just tell me what you need from me." Everyone turned to Red and Jamie expectantly. "Alana we were hoping with your knowledge of the compound you would be able to sneak Jamie in. A discrete operation is preferable as we do not want to harm anyone not involved. Javier is our main and only target, The team will be on standby to extract and aid in the event it is needed."

Soaking in Red's word my mind begins to race...there is one way I could get him in. "There is an underground tunnel that leads from the wine cellar to the woods surrounding the Mansion. I found it while exploring and it has been long forgotten, there is no patrol or surveillance on it. I am supposed to take the Yacht back today at 3, I can give you the coordinates of the Mansion and we can get this done tomorrow night."

Red looks and Jamie and they both nod, looking back to the team. "You guys heard her, get the coordinates and prepare our transportation. Make sure we have the necessary equipment" Jamie instructs. I write down the coordinated and hand it to Noah before they file out to complete their duties and get us ready for tonight.

"As a safety precaution Alana we would like to put a tracking device on you as well as give you a burner phone to contact us with. We don't know if Javier has yours tapped and do not want to chance to compromise the mission." Red states. I nod, looking at Jamie. "Whatever you need...let's end it."

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