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Nicky's POV

After the revelation from Linda about that scheming bitch masquerading as my ex I was a little clearer that something was definitely being planned by her.

That conclusion led me to believe that it would definitely involve Danni but as to what that was I still had to conclude, it did seem a little bit far-fetched to believe that the impending holiday for my girl and her best friend could be tainted by something that Jenny was going to also do to me but I had to be on my guard.

Linda was home alone with me and currently sat deep in thought.

"Penny for them?"

She looked up into my eyes and with her brow furrowed made an attempt to tell me what was on her mind but kept pausing.

"Come on Linda, out with it?"

"Sorry sis but I have been thinking about all this, Jenny sounded so sincere when I saw her at the mall and I really thought she was trying to make amends but to then pretend to be someone else in order to get to you, well that makes me think she has a very devious plan".

"Yeah I got that but what can I do ?"

"How about I try and make contact with her and get her to come to the house".

I looked at my sister with fire in my eyes.

"I dont want that harlot setting foot in this house, she is definitely not welcome after what she did".

"I know but supposing that Jenny does have a plan, well we could set up our own".

"This is a side to you I am unfamiliar with Linda, what do you have in mind?"

"For now leave it with me, Im curious as to where this is all leading too".

"OK Linda, see if you can meet with her".

I was awoken from my stupor by the ringing of the doorbell and crossed the room quickly to get to the door but it was who was at it that surprised me.


"Hi Nicky, are you ok?"

"Yes just surprised to see you".

"I know and because you did what we asked and kept away from Danni I would like to ask if you would like to see her and Lily off at the airport".

"Wow, yes I would love that thankyou".

"Good, well the flight leaves tomorrow at 10am and we will be there from 7am, I wont tell her that you are coming because we want Danni to be surprised too".

We talked a little bit more and then she went home, I closed the door and turned back to Linda.

"You got all that I guess?"

"Yes and I want to say sorry"

"Sorry, why?"

"For ever thinking that what you had with Danni was anything less that genuine and to hear that her mother is finally ready for the two of you to be together, well you also have my blessing, I know that sounds a bit hypocritical"

"Believe me its not Linda, I know its been tough and I know that I fell in love with her and its all not exactly above board".

"Maybe not but this is the happiest I have seen you in a very long time but can I ask something".

"Whats on your mind Linda?"

"Are you looking forward to, you know?"

"You can say it"

"Well knowing she has never had sex with a woman and all".

I had no intention of beating around the bush and if it made my sister blush then I had achieved what I wanted to do.

"Yes Linda I cant wait to finally have the girl I love in my bed and to make sweet love to her".

Linda made a quick exit when I said this upstairs.

"You ok up there??"

"Im fine Nicky, but I need a cold shower!!"

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