Chapter 6: Babysitting

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Season 1 episode 11 / Adventures in Bumblebee-sitting
They just got back to base from a mission. Chasing a decepticon name "Quillfire", and he was like an earth animal called a Porcupines and Bumblebee got hurt saving Ariel. When he saved Ariel, Ariel felt something like her feelings for Bumblebee got stronger but now she started to feel like it was her fault that Bumblebee got hurt. Fixit took the poison quill out but Bumblebee started acting strange, he was acting like a human child.

“As long the poison is in his Bumblebee system, Bumblebee will act like a human child,” said Fixit.

“It looks like we have to babysit,” said Russel.

“Sit on a child how will that help,” said Strongarm.

“No that means take care of someone," said Russel.

For most of the day they had to babysit Bumblebee.

“I found where Quillfire is its the carnival, said Fixit.

“Ok Ariel, Grimlock and i, will go after him, Sideswipe make sure Bumblebee won’t hurt himself,” said Strongarm.

They transform and drive off to the carnival. 1

“I got an idea,” said Russel.

They went over to the T.V. and put on a cowboy show.

“Wow this is the best cowboy show ever,” said Russel.

“I can not stop watching it,” said Sideswipe.

Bumblebee went over to the T.V. and started watching it all amazed. After awhile Sideswipe and Russel went away really quick to get something then a commercial came on and Bumblebee walk away because he was bored. Then he went over to the command center and over hear Fixit talking to Strongarm about the carnival sight.

“The carnival cool,” whispered Bumblebee.

Bumblebee left without anyone noticing. Back at the carnival Strongarm and Grimlock and Ariel got to the carnival grounds they saw police cars outside of it because they hear reports about it.

“What are we looking at,” said Bumblebee. Everyone got scared.

“Fixit to Strongarm umm Sideswipe and Russel says that Bumblebee left the base,” said Fixit.

“We can confirm that Fixit and make sure to tell Sideswipe nice job,” said Strongarm.

“Hey are those cars Autobots like us i will go ask,” said Bumblebee.

Strongarm stopped him.

“Robots in disguise, wait a minute that’s it, sit on him if you have too,” said Strongarm.

“Ooh let's go with her,” said Bumblebee.

But Grimlock grab him and about to sit on Bumblebee.

“No wait Strongarm was just kidding,” said Bumblebee.

Then Grimlock sat on Bumblebee then Ariel broke down laughing even that she felt bad for Bumblebee because of her feelings for Bumblebee. Then they overheard Strongarm talking to the police cars but in her vehicle mode and using her speaker and her vehicle mode was a police car.

“Attention the reports were fake but there is a motorcycle gang making illegal left turns downtown,” said Strongarm.

Then all the police officers left and started driving downtown.

“Ariel come I’m going to need your help and tell Grimlock to stay there and watch Bumblebee,” said Strongarm.

“Ok got, Grim Strongarm says to stay here and watch Bumblebee and i will go and help her,” said Ariel.

"Why do i have to watch Bumblebee,” said Grimlock.

“Because you’re the strongest,” said Ariel.

Then Ariel transform into her vehicle mode which was a Tesla. She and Strongarm walked around for a while then Ariel saw something.

“Huh he will be easy to find because he leaves his symbol everywhere he goes,” said Ariel.

Then they hear a loud noise then they saw elephants running to them.

“Easy might be a bit optimistic,” said Strongarm.

They started running then Bumblebee came out of nowhere and shocked Strongarm and Ariel.

“Hey are we racing,” said Bumblebee.

“No we are trying not to get trampled,” said Strongarm.

“Oh cool can we race while we are doing that,” said Bumblebee.

Then Grimlock came out of nowhere and made the elephants stop.

“Grim what happened you were suppose to be watching Bumblebee,” said Ariel.

“Don’t try sitting on a bot while he transforms,” said Grimlock.

Then he turns and show a mark he got and Strongarm and Ariel were shocked.

“We have to put the elephants back where they belong,” says Strongarm.

“How about we rangled them and like cowboys,” said Ariel.

“Yes i can be the cowboy that gets to ride the Dinosaur.

“Sure,” says Strongarm.

“No,” says Grimlock.

Then Bumblebee was riding Grimlock like a cowboy and put the elephants back where they belong.

“Ok i will keep Bumblebee distracted and you two look for Quillfire,” said Ariel.

Strongarm and Grimlock agreed and left then Ariel turned around and saw Bumblebee turn on all the rides at the carnival, Ariel put her hand on her forehead in embarrassment then she saw a tent with lots of trampolines.

“Hey Bumblebee look in here,” said Ariel.

Bumblebee went into the tent and got all happy.

“Ooh YAY!,” said Bumblebee.

Ariel smiled when he ran in. Then she ran off to find Strongarm and Grimlock, when she saw Strongarm and Grimlock stuck on a carnival ride, Ariel ran to the controls and didn’t know which one was the off button so she grabbed her gun and shot the controls
and the ride started to stop.

“Aw,” said Grimlock.

“Thank you Ariel,” said Strongarm.

“No problem,” said Ariel.

“Wait who’s watching Bumblebee,” said Strongarm.

They ran to the tent where Ariel left Bumblebee.

“Hey guys, I got you a present,” said Bumblebee.

They looked inside the tent and they were shocked it was Quillfire but he was hit by his own poison. They took Bumblebee to the stop of a broken ride and tie him to it.

“Ok Bumblebee this is an awesome ride but you have to be tied up alright,” said Ariel.

“Okey Dokey,” said Bumblebee.

They waited until morning.

“Guys why am i tied up  is this one of sideswipes pranks and why does my head feel so heavy,” said Bumblebee.

Ariel and Strongarm and Grimlock got Bumblebee down and brought him back to base and put Quillfire in a cell.

“Good job team I think,” said Bumblebee.

“No Bumblebee it was all you,” said Ariel.

“Ok I guess,” said Bumblebee.

And just that everything went back to normal.

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