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Hello Friend,

My name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson. 

I (as of tommorow) attend High school at Trinity High school in Redditch, England. 

You see, I moved here with my aunt and uncle, and two sisters. My family believed I was going crazy at my old town, they assumed it was the "lack of seeing new things" because every body is used to there surroundings to the point were they are uncontent with what they have, I figured maybe a new enviorment might be good for the sake of my mental health.

I used to be a junior (at my old school) caught up in studies big exams and the basic drama of high school.

The thing is, I dont really have any friends, but since they told me you listen, and you would think of me as the boy who spent time in the hospital, and I wouldnt make you nervouse, I hope its okay for me to think that. 

You see, Tommorow I start my first day at a new school but as I leave on my first day I will visualize what it will be like as I leave my last year of high school as a able-to-be college student.

Unfortunately that is nine months away, but I have learned from past expeirences at my old schools that the years seem to fly by, my aunt said, that if I make one new friend on my first day, I will do just fine. 

Although I worry about.

Who would want to be friends with the new kid, every body knows every body.

Well, except me. That is. 

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