❧ I ❧

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         Lucy checks her appearance in the mirror one last time before grabbing her backpack and walking downstairs and into the kitchen where her mother is making her breakfast- something that she wouldn’t normally do; this morning wasn’t normal, though. Today is her first day of school in Australia. Yeah, Australia. She’d just moved here last week from New York, and she still wasn’t very happy with her mother about it. It wasn’t her mom’s fault, though; her mom couldn’t control her dad getting transferred here. Even so, Lucy still let her mother know how she felt about the whole thing. Not only did she have to leave all her friends, she had to leave everything she knew behind and move to the other side of the world. Needless to say, she wasn’t very happy about any of it. So in an attempt to make up for it and make things a little easier, her mother is making her breakfast this morning. Even though it still didn’t change anything, it is a nice gesture and Lucy isn’t going to lie, having a hot breakfast on a school morning is something she’s not going to complain about.

         “Good morning, Lucy,” Her mother greets her with a smile, placing a plate of bacon, toast, and a fried egg on the table in front of her, and then bringing her a glass of orange juice.

         “Good morning, Mom,” Lucy replies, getting up and pouring herself a cup of coffee, and then mixing it with sugar and cream, and sitting back down at the table.

         “You better eat fast, you need to leave in ten minutes if you want to make it to school in time to check in at the office before class starts,” Her mom warns her, taking a sip of her own coffee.

         “Right, I have to walk to school,” Lucy groans, taking a big bite of the egg.

         “Lucy, I’m trying. This has been just as hard for me as it has been for you. Your dad is getting a great opportunity, think of it that way,” Her mother says sternly, putting a hand on her hip.

         “Mom, can you at least find me a car? I have my license and everything, all I need is a car. Even if it’s the cheapest thing ever, as long as it drives,” Lucy attempts to persuade her. She’s been trying to convince her parents that she needs a car ever since the day she got her license.

         “I’ll see what I can do, okay? I’m not making any promises,” Her mother responds with a sigh.

         Lucy eats the rest of the egg quickly, inhales the toast and bacon, and chugs down the orange juice, then finishes her cup of coffee and gets up from the table, picking up her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. “Bye Mom, I’ll see you after school,” She says as she heads towards the door.

         “Bye Lucy, have a great first day,” Her mother calls to her.

         Lucy walks outside and into the warm air. Ugh, she’s so not used to this. In New York it’s cold, but here it’s always so warm outside.She’s a little aware of the door to the neighbor’s house opening, but doesn’t bother turning to look. That is, until she hears footsteps behind her on the sidewalk. When she turns her head to look, she has to fight to keep her eyes from popping out of her head and her jaw from dropping.

         Because standing behind her is a very attractive boy with a backpack slung over his shoulder. He’s got dark, messy hair, and big brown eyes that beg for her attention. He looks a little Asian, but she’s not certain about it. The neighbor just has to be hot, of course, on top of every thing she has to end up with a hot neighbor.

        He breaks into the most gorgeous smile, “Oh, hi. You must be my new neighbor!” He says enthusiastically.

         “Yeah…that would be me. I’m Lucy,” She says, smiling back against her will (he’s just so adorable it makes her have to smile).

         “Well hello, Lucy. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Calum,” He says, beaming as he holds out his hand for her to shake.

         “It’s nice to meet you, too,” She chuckles at his enthusiasm, “But I need to hurry up and get to school now, so…”

         “Oh, I’m heading there too, we can walk together,” He suggests happily.

         “Okay,” She agrees half-heartedly, continuing to walk down the side walk.

         “I can definitely tell that you’re new here,” He says with a laugh.

         “What do you mean?” She asks, stopping and turning to look at him.

        “School is that way,” He says, pointing over his shoulder in the opposite direction of the way she’s walking.

         “Oh,” She says, then giggles.

         “C’mon, I’m going to get you to school before you end up in New Zealand,” He laughs, taking her arm and pulling her towards the school (in the right direction this time!).


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