Chapter 6

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After the exam was over, everyone headed to the "fighting center" I like to call it. We gathered near the top, and my battle was first. I was against a rain ninja. I think his name was Kariguma, but I'm not sure. He was kind of basic.

"Start whenever you're ready." The instructor said. I put my hand to my mouth, and blew. "Fire Dragon: Roar!" He tried to dodge and go into the ground, but my fire attack got him before he was able to. He fell to the floor, and did a quick hand sign. "Water style: Water slide!" The ground quickly turned to water, but I stood ontop of it, making nothing happen. I did a fake handsign, and yelled "Fire Dragon: Fire Claw!" and slashed open his stomach. The instructor looked at him, and the rain nin put his hand up. "I forfeit."

The match ended quickly, which I expected. I ran up the stairs, and ran up to an opened armed Naruto. I hugged him, and pat his back. "Good luck! Not that you'll need it." I walked over to an empty space, and slid down the wall.

"What were those moves? I've never seen anything like them." Rock Lee said, standing next to me. "Hi Lee, hi Tenten!" I said, waving to them. Rock Lee stood, and watched the fight, while Tenten sat next to me. "They are my secret moves. Nobody is able to copy them. Not even the Sharingan." I said, putting a hand over my eye.

"That's pretty cool." Tenten said, smiling. "Wheres Neji?" I asked, looking around, but finding him. "Does he not like me?" I asked. "No, hes just a little...independent?" Tenten said, but it came out more like a question.

"I stood up, and walked over to Neji. I looked at the fight between Naruto and Kiba, and nudged Neji's arm. "What's on your mind?" I asked, looking at him. "None of your concern." He said, disregarding my question. "Fine. I was just trying to get that big brain of yours, less full of thoughts." I said. I stayed there though, because I got a perfect view of Kiba.

I stared at Kiba, almost drooling. Neji seemed to notice. "Dog boy. Your kidding." He said, pointing at him. "I nodded, then looked at him. "Hes only a few ranks higher than you. Hes my #1. If it had to be someone other than him, it would probably be... Kankuro." I said, turning back towards the fight. "You are #7." I said.

"He just looked at me concerned. "And Rock Lee?" He asked, genuinely curious. "Hes not on the list." I said, shaking my head. "Ew, my poor brain." He chuckled and pointed at Gaara. "Hes 4th." I said. He gasped. "Him! Above me?" He laughed, thinking I was kidding. "Shikamaru is 3rd, a guy from the rock village is 5th,  a guy from the sand is 6th, and you are 7th. Iruka is 8th, Kakashi is 9th, and Naruto is 10th." I said, resting my head on my arms.

"What kind of person thinks that their sensei is cute?" He sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. "Me. But just be lucky that Guy isnt on my list." I shuddered before I went on. "My senseis just happen to be cute. OH OH! I forgot someone! Someone you will meet later is actually 4th, and then Konohamoru will end up being 5th, when he gets older." I said, ending up thinking about the 4th great ninja war.

"You are one confusing girl." He said. I laughed and looked at Naruto. I waved, but he was distracted. "Who do you think is cute?" I asked, looking at Neji. "Nobody. Every girl is equal." He said, but I could tell something was up. I decided to drop it, and look at Kakashi. I waved, and he waved back. He had just gotten back from healing Sasuke, and was watching Naruto's fight.

I watched as Naruto won the fight, and looked at Shikamaru. Well, you know what happens.

(Time skip to finals(gaara never killed that music nin, and Alya ends up fighting him))

I walked up to the middle, and stood in front of the music nin that was supposed to be killed. "Start!" The announcer yelled.

I did a quick -fake- hand sign, and yelled "Tetrigon!" which turned my eyes 2 different colors. Pink, and seafoam green. (Look at top of chapter) I walked up to the ninja, and touched his shoulder with all 5 fingers. He sunk to the ground. I touched him again with all 5 fingers, and he flew up into the air. He hovered there as I did another fake hand sign.

"Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!" I yelled, as fire came out of my arms, and blasted him into the sides of the arena. "I forfeit!" The nin yelled, as I sat down, my eyes fading back to normal. "By forfeit, Alya Heart wins." The announcer says. I walked back to my seat, but sat at the wall.

"Good job." Kakashi said, patting my head. I looked up at him and smiled, not noticing my eyes changed colors. They turned a rainbow ombre color, and I saw everything in his mind. I heard his thoughts flooding mind, and quickly stood up, backing away. My eyes went back to normal, and he grabbed my shoulder.

"What just happened?" I asked, holding my heads. The loudest thought was 'why does it have to be her? I'm her...' and was cut off when I backed up. "How did your eyes change colors?" He asked, looking into them. I looked across his face for answers, when it just blurted out. "I think I have a power to read minds." I said, extremely quickly.

He looked shocked, but embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. I dont know what to say." He said, too embarrassed to even look at me. "Who's the girl?" Was all I asked. He seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. But before he could say anything, Kakashi yelled "Duck!" and he pushed my head down, blocking a kunai with his own.
(Btw if you are confused, Alya's match was right before Sasuke's, and Kakashi had gotten there 10 minutes after Alya had sat down.)

I saw people falling asleep, and did a hand sign. "Release." I walked over to Sakura quietly, and sat in front of her. "What's going on?" She whispered. I looked around, and saw Kabuto, and snarled. "An attack by Kabuto." I whispered back. "Hes a traitor. Orochimaru is here, as the Kazekage." I whispered, pointing to one of the Anbu Black Ops.

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