Round 2. Things are taking turning for the worse

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(A/n: Beginning is the exact same as the last round)( also there a Thomas in this round)

* the door slams shut welcome to the dinner party nobody is going to survive. It's going to be one hell of a ride.*

Roman jumped a little to the door slamming, doing a small shriek.
Patton also jumped at the sound of the door slamming. "oh my goodness!" he yells.

Virgil sat on the couch, hiding himself in the corner of the couch, hood up as he was texting on his phone, hearing the slam he flinched, yelping.

'How the-' Logan spoke, glancing at the doors with a face of confusion.

Remus was grinning like a fool "what a party already, huh?" He did his weird one eye at a time blink. "It's just so spooky, I love it"

Deceit just kept walking and also sat in the couch. He saw Virgil there too and tried to annoy him.

Patton clung to Logan "logie I'm kinda scared" Logan glanced at Patton, unhinging Patton carefully,'Well, I cannot help you with that.'

"can I just be with you like around you? What if people start getting murdered" Patton says before looking at him "I don't wanna die Logan". Logan sighed, 'I guess that is alright. Patton.'

Virgil sighed ignoring Deceit, putting his phone away before going back into his thoughts, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back.

Thomas just stood in a corner and just stares in the air. Roman looked at thomas. He walked over and said. "Heya Thomas-- you spooked out too? ". Thomas looks at Roman with a forced  smile "No, not really. Isn't just wired"

"Yeah- it smells like christmas for me though." Roman said as he laughed a little. "Like Christmas? If you mean so. It's smells to me more like old house but sure" laughs. He chuckled. "Well imma go annoy the others. Cya!" He said as he walked over to Virgil . He waved.

Deceit got bored trying to annoy Virgil and started to fall sleep. Remus decided to head over to Deceit seeing his failure at annoying Virgil "Dee, don't fall asleep when the party's just getting started!" He wakes up "huh-wha- oh well there's nothing else I can do"

Remus overheard Patton and says "of well that would be interesting, just imagine all the blood!" He then went back to communicating with Deceit "you can talk to me, that's what else you can do" "Fine.. why can we even talk about?......" Answered Deceit a little bit annoyed.

*A very loud clap of thunder. The lights go out. After a moment there's a very loud metal crack make the sound of a baseball hitting a metal baseball bat but instead it's a crowbar smacking Deceit in Head hard. The lights come back deceit is dead*

"Anything and everything like how fun this situation is and how wonderful-" he paused when the lights turned out, when they turned back on Remus didn't know how to react.


Welp that's the start of round 2
I was killed first😒
But either way hope you enjoy


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