Round 2. A paperweight

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*A very loud clap of thunder. The lights go out. After a moment there's a very loud metal crack make the sound of a baseball hitting a metal baseball bat but instead it's a crowbar smacking Deceit in Head hard. The lights come back deceit is dead*


"Anything and everything like how fun this situation is and how wonderful-" he paused when the lights turned out, when they turned back on Remus didn't know how to react.

Patton looks at Deceit and screamed before clinging to Logan.  Roman looks shocked to Deceits body "Is he....dead?"

Logan flinched before seeing Dee's dead body, he rose an eyebrow. How could this have happened?

Virgil flinched at the lightning,, snapping out of his thoughts he groaned, 'I kinda wanna go home now...'. He murmured, still staring at the ceiling,, not seeing Deceit dead.

Remus hugged Deceit's now dead body with a really sad look on his face, since in his mind he was the only one he could relate to "as interesting and fun this is I don't like Dee, dead"

It looks like Patton accurately predicted that someone was going to get murdered
Roman looked at Dee's body as his face was pale. He instantly dropped to the floor hugging his knees shaking, crying softly. He started mumbling "i don't wanna die i don't wanna die i dont wanna die i dont wanna die i dont wanna die"

Thomas is trying to comfort Roman "hey, everything will be just fine" he can't even believe his own words but still he tried his best.

Roman  looked at thomas as his eyeliner ran down the prince's face. "AM I GONNA DIE?" He asked in a stern tone, but clearly scared. "Nooo, nobody is going to die...besides Deceit" said Thomas as he himself didn't believe what he was saying

Virgil glanced around, seeing the dead Deceit he yelped getting up before walking off quickly, 'No No No-'

Logan didn't know what to do as he wasn't the best with emotions.

"You all have no right to be more worked up than me" Remus said, with a sad puppy dog expression which was kind of creepy and weird in some aspects considering it was Remus. Remus was still hugging the corpse like the weirdo he was.

Roman looked at Remus "Remus! Don't be gross!"

* another clap of thunder and some lighting. The lights go out. Whoever this murderer is just took out Roman with a paperweight and Remus out with a rope strangling him to death before the lights come back on. The brothers are now dead.*

Another capture done

And yes Roman dying by a paperweight became a meme in the chat. XD 😂

Anyways bye 👋

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