part 5 we should tell them.

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kirishima POV
i woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. thankfully i was fully clothed and hadn't done anything gross last night. we didn't do much now that i think about it. we went to his place and relaxed on his bed, talking about anything and everything. i still couldn't believe we were soulmates. i couldn't fathom the idea of being with him forever. it sounded amazing. eventually we fell asleep, tangled in each other's arms. i looked at his mellow calm face. he was so handsome when he wasn't screaming. i wanted to know so badly why he was like that. i had a good guess though. shit he was waking up.
his eyes slowly fluttered.
"heeyyyy babyyyy" i said softly as i sat up to look at him. his face flushed pink immediately as he slammed his head into his pillow.
"ugh g'morning beautiful piece of shi-" it sounded like he had just realized that he called me a piece of shit because he quickly re stated.
"g'morning ei... sorry i just, im so used to being aggressive." i smiled gently and placed my head on his chest.
"yeah and why is that exactly?" i almost whispered.
"i dunno to be honest. i guess it's just the world wouldn't stop loving me, but i didn't love me so i knew i didn't deserve all the attention. so i just kinda lashed out hoping they'd hate me but they don't." he sat up, leaving my head to fall to the mattress instead of the much more preferred chest.
"it's early." he yawned.
"yeah sorry if i woke you. i was just looking at your face." he blushed again. this was way to fun.
"so.. soulmate," he began, it was my turn to flush red.
"what're we gonna do today?" that was actually a good question. i didn't know really.
"hm.. maybe we can.. yeah!!! let's go see bakusquad!" i smiled happily while he looked a little exhausted.
"yeah yeah whatever we can go see them. we should probably tell them anyway."
"i hope it goes ok" i continued to talk while he went to get dressed.
"we can see movies!"
"we can play video games!!"
"ooo and we can-"
"BABE!" oh shit i didn't even hear him at first.
"yes?" i replied as if he probably hasn't been calling my name a million times.
"if you want to do all this, you should get dressed." he laughed a little and i got up, still wearing my clothes from last night. one of his hoodies was on his desk chair so i took my shirt off and traded it for the hoodie. it was kind of a dark grey almost black hoodie, with a simple green grenade in the back.
he turned to look at me and quickly tackled me into the bed.
"hey! kat, what was that for?" he was still pinning me down a little. smiling.
"nothing, you just looked too damn cute" he kissed the tip of my nose and got up. i decided to keep my jeans on from last night rather than changing.
normal POV
the two headed out for the day, hand in hand once more. their strings were connected. and life felt like walking on clouds for the past two days. it was true love and you could see it in their eyes. after some texts to the group they ended up at denkis dorm room. after the two had gone out to eat. the main six all in one place. kami, shin, mina, sero, kiri, and of course, baku. sure it would cause chaos and commotion but it was also calm and forgiving at times.
bakugo POV
we all sat on the floor in pikachu's room, which was trashed. we played uno a bit and raccoon eyes won nearly every round. i got close to kiri's ear and whispered closely
"they're all calm right now... i think we should tell them that we're, ya know, soulmates~" i winked at the last word, not even sure if he could see it. he got close to my ear to whisper as well
"yeah.. let's do it." he smiled his adorably genuine smile at me and i kept my cool as i re created my wink. he blushed. god he made me soft.
"hey guys.." kiri began.
kirishima POV
ok ok it was time to tell them. they wouldn't care right.. of course not. shinsou and denki were dating. im sure mina and sero have a thing too. ok we got this.
"hey guys.." i started off sweetly.
"yeah bro s' going on?" kamanari asked curiously as he sat with one of his draped over mina's crossed legs. his head on shinsou's lap. sero laid on his stomach not quite cuddling with anyone
"so i recently found my soulmate and.."
i looked nervous and i think they could tell.
"oh yeah it's bakugo right?" mina said clearly half joking. she shoved popcorn in her mouth. but when neither of us said anything she nearly chocked on it.
"WAIT WHAT" sero and denki said almost in sync. shinsou chuckled a little as to say 'obviously' bakugo was oddly silent during all of this.
"so love birds, how did it all go down." shinsou spoke sarcastically. before i could say literally anything bakugo spoke.
"how about a visible demonstration.."
he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a short yet passionate kiss. when we pulled away i was still crazy embarrassed but so in love with him. though i hadn't said love yet. too soon. denki started clapping loudly, just to be annoying. sero whistled once to join kami then just smiled happily for us. mina was fan girling so much i thought she would pass out. shinsou kissed kami's cheek.
we played board games and all fell asleep to a movie. shin and kamanari fell asleep on the bed together, mina was sound asleep at the foot of the bed.
and sero was in a sleeping bag on the pullout. me and my soulmate stayed awake cuddled in each other's arms on the floor.
he started to drift off so i caught him before he did.
"hey uh 'suki?.." i caught his attention softly.
"yeah ei.." he barely managed out, half asleep.
"i-i love you.." i whispered just in case someone was awake.
"i love you too dork.." he replied.
"so.. much.."
heh niceee. thanks for all the readers!! (well i mean its like 12 per chapter) BUT YA KNOW. i hope you enjoyed. i'm gonna try to upload every other day :) this came out a little later than planned but whatevs. bye guys ;D

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