So max rachel and chloe wakes up and that each take turns in the shower and the thay get dressed and thay go downstaire's and joyce is in the kitchen and she is cooking some breakfest and the girls sat down and ate and max thought of her mom and dad alot chloe looked at max and was worried about her rachel was worried as well thay both where scared for max that she might be plaining to go after the guy who killed her dad joyce looked at her and seen what she was doing and william seen what see was doing as well joyce chloe rachle and william was worried when thay see her note it seid plain for future self thay where scared.
Chloe max you ok.
Max yep just writing plain for my future self always good to plain ahead.
William well yes it is max we are alittle worried about your plain's
Rachel william is right max.
Max it's ok i just have see.
Chloe lets see to my future self
1. A home
2. Have chloe rachel warren and kate as roomates
3. Make
4. Stop N6 or try to friendsChloe wow max that is amazing.
Rachel ohhhh max thats nice wanting all of us as roomates.
Joyce wow that is amazing max but one question what is the N6.
William yes max what is this N6.
Max would you and joyce like to see what it is william.
William yes please.
Max ok here is pic of the N6.
Joyce ohhh wow max how are you to stop that.
William yes max that is what i like know.
Max i dont know yet but i still have time to think i have rachel chloe warren and kate with me so we can come up with somthing.
William yes you max and it seid or try to what do you mean.
Max well i mean is if i cant stop it alone then i can try to stop it with my friends and if all fails get the people away from arcadia bay.
Joyce ohhh well ok that will work but be carefull that looks deadly and i am starting to get scared about that.
William yes me to.
Rachel ya we all are joyce mr price.
Chloe ya dad mom we all are scared it is scary but we have eachother and no matter what it wont stop by time that happens we might have more friends to help us to.
Max chloe's right.
Rachel more friends more help plus max is plaining before this happens right max.
Max yep hahaha.
Joyce well that's good we are going to see venessa girl's so eat up so we go see her.
So the chloe max and rachel ate and washed up and william joyce max chloe and rachel wentvto the hospital to see venessa thay got in and got the room number thay went in the elevator.
Max can i ask a favor.
Joyce of corse.
Max please dont tell my mom about the N6 right now it might scare her and it might do more harm to her.
Joyce good idea max.
William yes max verry good idea.
Rachel your right max .
Chloe ya max good call.
Max thank you.
So thsy wrnt in and see venessa and max ran up and gave her mom a hug and chloe and rachel gave her a hug to willaim and joyce sat next to her on the left side and max rachel and chloe was siting on the right side.
Venessa how are max.
Max good i am holding in there.
Chloe she has plained he future she wants me rachel warren and kate as roomates.
Venessa hahaha thats max for you she wants her by her side thats good.
Joyce yes that is thsy are verry bonded together.
William yes it's like that thay where ment to be.
So max rachel and chloe was wispering and joyce was looking at the girls.
Joyce what are 3 plaining now.
Chloe mom it's a suprise.
Joyce ok ok hahaha.
So max rachel and chloe told them that thay will be back and thay went to the gift shop and with the money thay bought flowers a get well card and max picjed out a stuffed dog that has a card so thay each wrote there names on it and went back and asked joyce and william to sign it to and thay came out and signed it joyce thought it was great.
So thay went back in and the girl's put the flowers by venessa's bed side and gave her the card and the stuffed dog venessa really loved it so max told her mom that thay want to sign up with blackwell acadamy and she thought that was a good idea.
5 hours later
Thay went home and rachel max chloe willliam and joyce was desideing on what to eat eather pork or chicken chloe seid why not hace a chicken pork stir fry.
Joyce chloe that does not sound good.
Rachel no it does not.
William chloe that is weird.
Max no its good i have had before my dad made it if you cook it the right way you dont notice the pork flavor.
Joyce really.
Rachel ok i dont know why but now it sounds good.
William ya your right so you max will have to tell me or joyce how to do it.
Max will do.
So max gave a list of what her dad put in it and joyce went to the store and got it all the max told william how to do it so william did as max seed.
5 minutes later
Dinner was done everyone sat dow and ate and thay loved it thay told max that it was so good that thay will have to make a triple batch max seid ya you could also open up you own diner joyce.
Joyce max i might do that nax thank you.
Max ya.
Chloe ya and what is the name the two whales diner hahaha.
Joyce thank you chloe that is what i call.
Chloe what i ment it as a joke mom.
Max i like that name.
Rachel ya me to.
William same here.
Chloe well it was good dad but i have to go to bed now.
Max ya me to.
Rachel same if we are going to sign up for blackwell acadamy tomarow.
So the girls went upstaire went to the bathroom and got ready for bed and layed down and went to sleep
life is strange Ultimate Edition
Fantasywhen max leaves for seattle chole and rachel are alone and run into trouble as warren comes up and save's chloe and rachel thay thank him and warren tells them if thay need help ever to let him know so one day max suprise's chole and rachel as she c...