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(Another day at/before UA)

I yawn and woke up..Ugh..Great it's morning..I lit some candles cause..I was to tired to turn on the light from the far side of the room..plus I liked their lighting...I conjured shadow and I laid on him he was annoyed as everyone would be. We brushed our teeth and I brushed my hair mixed with feathers..heh it gets annoying cause I accidentally plucked a few...I walked to my closet and grabbed my uniform..I put it on and fixed my tie and I yawned then walked out the door then locked it then walked to a coffee shoppe for breakfast..I order and sat down then heard the same loud voices I hear everyday.. "Hey!! I wanted that seat Pika bitch!" "Hah to late Acid girl!" "SHUT UP AND JUST SIT DOWN SO WE CAN ORDER AND GET TO SCHOOL!!" 'Of course..that dumbass is here great..' I thought to myself..I walked out with my ice coffee and shadow had his coffee and sucked it dry within a minute.. I chuckled a bit loudly and we walked to school he went away again.. I yawned and walked into class 1-A early and sat down In my seat but Mr Aizawa said "We're switching seats Tokoyami..get up.." (for plot :>) 'I just hope I'm not placed by annoying annoying.. being: Iida, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari Minetta Mina.. and...Bakugo...Can't stand him..' I sighed and sat down and everyone finally walked in then the order (left to right 5 to a row and 2 seats in the back :> plot) it went Deku, Ochaco, Iida and so on and so forth..I waited for my name to be called..Finally it was and I walked to the very last very back right chair and next to me...None other then Bakugo...Great...just fucking great.. I dozed off listening to Aizawa

(Dis shit confusing so like T is Tokoyami and B is Bakugo)

B: "Hey Bird Bitch.."
I wasn't listening
T: "...What now..?"
B: "did you listen to anything I fucking said!?"
T: "...if it isn't clear..no I wasn't.."
B: "great fucking great..Just meet me in the hallway you emo son of a bitch.."
T: "fine.."
(Time skip cause I'm a lazy fucking whore)
I walk into the hallway and sigh what does that bomb bitch want now..? I sat down and put and ear bud in listening to music then leaned my back agents the wall..
I heard a thunk the looked up to see him staring at me eye to eye I felt a small blush creep onto my face.oh great.. He smirked
T: "What did you want..? Tell me so I can leave.."
B: "I think I might have a crush..You Emo bitch I need your help.."
T: I laughed "Wait what now? The biggest bully of the whole school has a crush..? And you want me to help..? The biggest and creepiest emo kid there is to help..?"
B: "Yeah..Just fucking help or else I'll blow your birds brains out.."
T: I looked at shadow and sighed "..After PE..Then I'll help.." he walked away with a satisfied smirk I was annoyed..

(PEEEEEE!!!!!! >:> some shit boutta go down Literally)
I sighed and changed to my hero uniform I looked at shadow he disappeared "Scaredy bird" I muttered I finished putting the red bands around my neck then finished my earrings and took out my septum piercing then pulled my hair and feathers back with the same red bands I used for my neck.. Then a shadow was behind me.. 'who wants my attention now..?..' I thought to myself I turned around to see Bakugo "Yes..?" I asked questioning and annoyed.. "Take our the bird.."
T: "No not until I have to battle.."
B: "Well your battling me.."
T: "Yeah right just ano—" I was cut off by a sharp cold locker agents my back
B: "Look I'm fucking battling you bring out the bird and hurry the fuck up before I beat your emo bitch ass to a fucking pulp!!"
T: "mm great.." I said as I summoned Dark Shadow "Happy now..?..you big dumb bitch.."
T: I was slammed hard agents the lockers "Augh! Watch out we're your pushing me!! You big dumb bitch!!" I felt him grab my fist and Shadow punched him I walked into the hall (think like between like in the aisles) I felt Minetta put a ball under me (like a ⚽️ or whatever..PLOOOTTT!!!) then I saw Hanta Sero push Bakugo over and crawled back up to the ceiling with his tape then I looked in front of me.. "G-Get off you b-bomb bitch!!"I said as I felt my face heat up and he was flustered to..Or just really mad cause he was really red..
"Hey o-off!!"
Sero: "I think Bakugo likes it!"
Kaminari: "Yeah look he's so red and your gunna get your ass beat!"
Kiri: "Oh crap.."
Minetta: "Will you to just fuck already!?"
Everyone: "Wtf Minetta!?"
I was pissed turned on and annoyed all at once..When I pushed him off and got up I was pushed agents the lockers again and my hands were pinned.. "Let me go!!" I yelled at Sero "LET ME GO!!!!" Then Dark Shadow Took over..Soon after I blacked out..

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