This shit again..?

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I woke up and yawned..Why the hell can't I get up..? And what's all that giggling..?.. I turned around to see Bakugou Wait what..? "Hey...Wake up..." "hmm 5 more minutes..!" I sighed and slipped out from under him and he fell off the couch "Oww!! YOU FUCKHEAD!!" "OH SHIT THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! Ack!!" Bastard pinned me!!  I turned on my stomach 'oh shit..'  "Hah Your blushing you bird bitch" "Says you whore" the 'heh I have a dumbass idea' I laid my hands on his waist and grinned "What are you doing??" "Being annoying" "C-Clearly.." "what don't like it?" "Never said that.." "Hmm oh really..?" I got closer to his face "That true?" He pushed me down and I laughed in an annoying just shut up.. I heard him mumble before he got up off of me I snickered and yawned then looked at shadow he was tired.. (same shadow same 7^7) He yawned and went back inside I walked into my room "Aye I need a shower so I'll be out in a moment" "Hurry up feather duster!" "Oh shush You reek of alcohol!" "Yeah so hurry so I can hop in!" I hopped in and forgot my fucking clothes 'I'm a goddamned dumbass..' I thought to myself "AYE SHIT HEAD!!" "WHAT!???" "I FUCKING LEFT MY CLOTHES CAN YOU FUCKING GRAB THEM!?" "OH SO I HAVE A CHOICE!?" "NOPE FUCKING BRING THEM!!" "FINE YOU FUCKING FEATHER DUSTER!!" "JUST SHUT UP AND BRING THEM!!" He brought them in covering his eyes the whole time until he ran into the toilet.. I laughed so fucking hard and he was pissed and he flushed the toilet "AH SHIT COLD FUCKING COLD!! YOU ASSHOLE!!"  I heard him laughing and I was annoying and turns the shower head towards him and got him wet "Hah Skank!" "Shut your feathered ass up!!" Hah he walked out and I dressed after doing the necessities.. and fixed my hair "hold up you need clothes right?" "Yeah" he said walking in

I yawned and looked up at the ceiling until I fell asleep  and was awoken to Bakugou looking through all of my clothes making a lot of noise "So your finally awake?" "Shut up your the one who kept me up.." "Heh sure what ever you believe you prince of fucking darkness" "I swear to hell.." I grabbed my same rubber bands and put them around my neck as normal then put them in my hair pulling it back He turned around and said "Get our so I can change..Then I'll be on my way.." he said the last part kinda sadly.. I walked out and stoped in the doorway "You don't have ya go if you don't wanna" I said kinda quickly but he understood it.. "Or do you just not want me to leave?" He said in a stupidly seductive voice  I swear he needs to get that in order..I yawned once again "Hurry up!" I yelled from outside the doorway.. "Shut up! I'm coming you fucking feather duster!!" He walked out in a oversized for me hoodie and pants with his own sneakers.. "I can't believe that hoodie fits you.." "What just because I'm a bit bigger then you?" "No not that reason" "Then what's the reason?" "Eh nothing..Never-mind..Anyway wanna grab a boba? I guess? I mean I've never had one.." "Hold up what the fuck!? WELL C'MON FEATHER DUSTER LET'S GO!!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist and basically dragged me.. "HEY CAREFUL PEOPLE DON'T KNOW I EXIST CAUSE I WEAR ALL BLACK AND HIDE!!" I yelled "YEAH YEAH FEATHER DUSTER!! C'MON!!" "I'M HURRYING YOU BOMB BITCH!!" I yelled back (time skip brought to you by poor scared shadow) We made it finally and I was dragged there the whole time.. I fixed my Septum piercing and

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