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We opened the third door. As we opened it we saw who we were looking for... but he was covered in blood.
We looked at him, shocked. I quickly ran up to him and hugged him.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I asked him, running my hands through his tangled hair.

"I-I swear I-I wasn't b-bitten," Jeongin said, stuttering through his words. I looked back at Felix confused. He looked back at me with the same expression, trying hard not to look at the boy covered in blood.

"What do you mean bit?" I asked him slowly. He was about to answer but his eyes went wide open. He was staring at something in the distance. I looked back and Felix was doing the same. I opened the door slightly to see what they were looking at. I couldn't breathe.

In front of us was a person covered in blood. But it wasn't exactly a person, it was too deformed to be such a thing. It had a giant gash on its head and a missing arm. There were bruises all over its body and one very distinguishing thing about its face. It's eyes were pure white. Pupils and all. That thing was not human.

I turned to Jeongin to see that he was crying again but I covered his mouth to hide any noise that might come out. I didn't want to draw any attention to that thing. But I forgot about one thing... Felix. I heard a loud high pitch scream behind me. I turned around quickly to see Felix screaming his lungs out. How can someone be this stupid. I thought. I looked back at that thing, only to see that it was looking back at me. Once again, my breathing stop. It was silent for a few seconds. If only that silence could last forever. Sadly, the silence was stopped by a loud growl coming out of the monsters mouth. Without thinking, I quickly picked Jeongin up and ran out the door, grabbing Felix as I ran past him. We managed to dodge the monster and we made a beeline to the stairs. We ran as fast as we could, but it wasn't fast enough. That thing was fast, maybe even faster than us. We soon came to the bottom of the stairs, but it was not far behind. We had no chance to rest as we sprinted to the nearest exit. We finally saw our escape and ran even faster to the door. We were running so fast that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I slipped. I slipped on a pile of organs and blood. I face planted into a puddle of blood. I could see my vision going in and out but I had no choice but to shake it off, I wasn't going to die like this. I got up as fast as I could and tried to catch up to my friends, who had no idea I had tripped. The word being tried. As soon as I stood up I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I started to cry out in pain but no one could hear me. I had to keep going, no matter what it took.

I made it out to see my friends frantically trying to look for me. I smile as I see my friends and I limp up to them. They looked at me and smiled, but that smile immediately turned into fear. I knew exactly what that meant. Even though I knew I had done something bad to my ankle, I had no choice but to follow my friends even though I knew it wouldn't end well. We ran, dodging every monster that came in our way. We finally found a church and ran up to it.

"Shit," I heard Felix say under is breathe.
"What is it?" Jeongin asked.
"I-it's locked," Felix answered, out of breathe from all the running. I looked around and found a reasonably sized window. I picked up a rock and chucked it at the window. It shattered and I motioned for my friends to jump inside.

"Are you stupid?" Jeongin asked confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Look at all the glass around the window frame, we'll get all cut up." I sighed annoyed and pushed him in. Next was Felix and then me. We all sat there, out of breathe. We suddenly heard a low growl come from outside the window. It wasnt safe here by the window. We could easily be spotted and it didn't help that we were all bleeding because of the broken glass. We found the chapel and closed the doors behind us.

"What the hell just happened?" Felix growled.
"Hey! Watch the language," Jeongin said, hitting him.
"Fuck my language, we were just attacked by-"
That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ughhh school is already stressful and I've already cried once cause of stress and it's only the fourth day. Also sorry for this cringe chapter they'll get better as the story goes on.

Until next time~

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