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1. All participants get votes on all chapters by their judge.

2. The winners from each category get a detailed review from the judges.

3. I'll make an anthology of the winning entries (top 3 from each category), or maybe I'll continue this book itself, mentioning the winners since it has already been publicized.

4. The winner from each category gives a exclusive fun interview which I'll publish in the anthology.

5. If the winners from each category want, they may get an according gold, silver or bronze badge on their book cover (showing that you're a winner in the first ICT fanfic contest ever!!).

Since the entries in the categories are uneven, we're thinking of making 1 winner from the real life romance category, 2 from friendship and family and the rest 6 from the hypothetical romance (which is by far the most popular).

ICT FANFICTION CONTESTWhere stories live. Discover now